Chapter 27

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Waiting for Bailey to wake up took a long time. She did exactly what she said, and slept through the entire night.

I didn't sleep well; I woke up every hour or so and look up to make sure she was alright. It also wasn't helping that the hospital chair was completely uncomfortable. I wanted to pull a move you would see in the movies and just lay with her in her small hospital bed, but I knew that would be inappropriate.

So after getting only 4 hours of sleep that night, I finally made my way downstairs to the cafeteria to get breakfast. I just grabbed a muffin and a chocolate milk, making my way back upstairs not wanting to be gone when Bailey woke up.

When I finally got to the room, my muffin was already gone as well as half my bottle of chocolate milk. I hadn't realized how hungry I was. My stomach had felt nervous ever since I got to the hospital, the feeling never left. It replaced the feeling of hunger.

Dr. Chase was in the room when I got back.

"She should be awake soon," he said checking his watch. Bailey had been out of surgery since 8pm; she had slept more than 12 hours.

He was right, within the next hour Bailey was fluttering her small eyes open.

"You're awake," Dr. Chase said as Bailey rubbed her eyes. I cracked a small smile, I could already see how grumpy she was; she was always grumpy right when she woke up.

She nodded with a blank expression on her face, letting out a small groan as well.

"Can you tell me your name and birthday?" Dr. Chase asked as he looked long into Bailey's eyes.

I thought of the answer while Bailey spoke, "Bailey Marie Parker. March 11 1997."

"Good, wiggle your fingers and toes," he said and she did just that.

"She's doing great so far," he said smiling and looking around at everyone who was standing around watching. I looked around as well to see Casey, Ally, and her family with small smiles on their faces.

"How do you feel, Bailey?" Dr. Chase asked.

"Groggy, confused." she groaned, "What day is it?"

"It's Friday, you had surgery yesterday afternoon," he said making Bailey nod.

"I'll let you all catch up, and Bailey get use to being awake. There are painkillers on the table with some water, you'll probably get a light headache soon. I'll come back in a little while and we can discuss what happens now, and when we can release you," he said with a smile before exiting the room.

I watched as Bailey looked at the monitor next to her, then all the wires she was attached to. She looked lost, but I had a feeling it was just the anesthetic wearing off.

The room stayed silent, no one wanting to overwhelm her. I slowly made my way over to her, sitting down in the chair beside her bed. I grabbed her hand and laced my fingers with hers as I gave her a soft smile which she returned.

"Do you need anything kid?" her sister asked walking over to us with her arms crossed. Bailey shook her head.

"I feel like I've been knocked out for years," Bailey pouted. I pushed a kiss to her temple and grabbed the tv remote.

We watched TV for a few hours, just letting Bailey get use to being awake. There wasn't anything to say anyhow.

When Dr. Chase came back in, it was almost noon.

"How are you feeling?" he asked reading the monitor next to Bailey.

"Fine, a little stiff from laying around."

"No headache?" he asked.


"You're doing well. So we're going to keep Bailey for tonight and most of tomorrow, just to monitor her and make sure everything stays on track," he said nodding.

"Once you're released you'll have to come back and have a check up every 2-3 months. Occasionally you'll get an MRI, just to check the growth of the rest of the tumor. Just make sure to come back immediately if you feel any more symptoms like before okay?" He asked.

"Can I talk to Bailey alone for a moment?" Dr. Chase asked after a pause. I was hesitant, but got up slowly and made my way out of the room with everyone else.

Ally and Casey mumbled possibilities of what he could be telling her, but I stayed quiet and watched as Bailey nodded her head. He was only in there for about two minutes.

He got up and I watched him walk out the door.

"Hey guys," he said as we gathered around him.

"Bailey is doing well. She shows no bad signs. I want to warn you now that many people who experience this fall to depression. I want you each to watch her, make sure she knows you care. She'll also be pretty weak for a while, don't push her. She needs to rest a lot, she doesn't need to do any vigorous activity."

We all nodded at his statement, wanting the best for Bailey.

After speaking with the doctor for another minute or two, we all finally went back inside.

"What was that about?" Bailey questioned as we made our way back inside.

"Just not to push you too much if you're tired. You'll need a few days to recuperate," her sister answered.

"Would you be okay to play Uno?" Ally asked Bailey. Bailey let out a small chuckle before agreeing. We all decided to play, but every round I lost.

"You guys don't have to stay again tonight, i'll be okay," Bailey said after Ally won, again. I was always use to losing because Michael spent hours playing video games so he always beat me.

"That's an actual joke," Casey scoffed.

"Yeah i'm not leaving," Ally said as if she was stupid. Bailey looked over at me and I raised an eyebrow as I shook my head no. There was no way I was leaving her.

After playing our third hand, Bailey's sister decided to go pick up some dinner for everyone. Her dad and brother left as well, wanting to get out of the hospital.

I didn't blame them, hospitals were awful. But leaving Bailey would have been more awful.

Once her family came back, we all decided to watch school of rock while we ate. It was one of my favorites, and I knew Bailey liked it a lot too.

Near the end of the movie I looked over at Bailey whose eyes were getting heavy. Soon she was asleep. I smiled at her before turning my attention back to the screen to watch the end.


Gah, I know this is short :( Im srry

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