Chapter 7

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"Whaddup," I heard Michael say as I walked into Ashton's basement.

"Hey," I said shutting the door behind me as I saw Calum typing away on his phone, and Ashton sitting next to him.

I sat down on the couch next to the stereo, "Luke," Ashton called making me look up at him.

He tossed me his phone which I knew he wanted me to plug into the stereo. This was our usual hang out time, we listened to music together if we weren't playing our instruments, which we called banding. I hit the shuffle button and an AC DC song came on which Ashton drummed on his lap along to.

We all spent a majority of the time listening to music, dancing, and just messing around.

Michael walked over and turned the stereo down slightly before looking at Ashton.

"So what's up with that girl you were telling me about?" Michael asked taking a sip of his red bull.

"Yeah, what's up with you and Casey?" I asked wondering if they had become exclusive yet. You had to be blind to not see how Ashton felt about her.

"What about her?" Ashton asked before taking a bite of his banana.

"What do you mean what about her? Are you guys a thing?" Michael asked as if Ashton was being an idiot. I mean, he kind of was.

"Yeah I guess. I like her, she likes me," Ashton said. He was never really too open about his relationships. He liked to keep things between him and his girl.

"What's going on with you and Bailey? I've heard Casey say you guys have been hanging out often," Ashton said turning the spotlight onto me.

"I don't know, we just have been hanging out," I said truthfully.

"Do you like her?" Calum asked jumping into the conversation.

"I mean she's a cool girl," I said. I never actually thought about my feelings towards Bailey. Did I have feelings towards her?

"She's a babe," Ashton said and Michael agreed, claiming she was hot. When I heard those words I felt odd, I gave them both a quick glare. Was I being jealous?

"Yeah, I don't know I never thought about it," I said truthfully. I didn't ever care about relationships. I mean I have yet to have a girlfriend, but I never found myself caring that I didn't have one. I focused on school, hockey, and music.

Ashton's mom interrupted our conversation with bringing down pizza. We all grabbed a few slices and decided to watch School Of Rock.

"Dude I never showed you my new guitar," Michael said once the movie ended. He hopped over the back of the couch and pulled out his new guitar from its case.

It was mint green, and I had to be honest it was pretty fucking sick.

"It's beautiful," I said as Michael handed it to me. I set it on my lap and played some songs on it.

"This sounds awesome," I said. I loved new guitars.

"I know dude," he said taking it back out of my hands.


Later that afternoon the house was quiet. I was bored and thought about what I could do. I decided on going for a run because I didn't need to get out of shape. Even though I was still in hockey season, I figured extra conditioning would be helpful.

I pulled on my nikes and plugged my headphones into my phone before grabbing my beanie off of my dresser. I knew wearing a beanie during the summer sounded insane, but I didn't want my hair falling flat into my face.

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