Chapter 29

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I was upstairs in my room playing on my guitar. Just messing with some chords and throwing a few lyrics around. I was never the person to just sit down and say, "I need to write a song," sometimes songs just happened.

So I was scribbling some stuff on a piece of paper when I heard my phone ring where it was located on my bed. I took the pen cap from between my lips and put it back on the pen while I searched for my phone buried beneath my comforter.

I unlocked my phone and scanned over the message which said that Bailey was home from her doctors appointment.

*Can I come over?* I typed.

Bailey had been telling me how nervous she was for this doctors appointment. It was her first check up since her surgery. It was just a basic check up to make sure her brain activity was doing well, but she was still nervous. She was still scared something was going to go wrong. She had been feeling well lately, so I was sure nothing was wrong. Yet again, I didn't really know.

*Of course :)* she sent back.

I smiled to myself as I stood up from my chair in front of my desk and grabbed my black converse. I made my way downstairs, but found the house empty. My dad was still at work, as was my mom. I locked the front door behind me as I made my way to my car.

Once I got outside of Bailey's, I was about to turn the knob to her front door but then I hesitated and decided to just knock instead.

"The door was open," Bailey said letting me in with a small laugh.

"I didn't want to just walk in if your family was here," I said as I shut the front door behind me. I didn't want to just walk in to her house, and have her dad be surprised. Even though i'm sure he wouldn't care that much.

"Dad's working and my sister just dropped me off," Bailey said leading my into the living room before turning to face me.

I nodded and pulled her in for a hug and kissing the top of her head. I felt some of the muscles in her body relax as if she was worked up all day.

She gave me a soft smile before kissing me softly. I could never get enough of her soft lips.

"Hi," she said with a smile and sat on the couch, which I did the same.

"How was the appointment?" I asked as I put both of my arms on the top of the couch.

"Alright, they said I seem to be well but I'll get a call about my MRI scan in a few days," she said letting out a deep breath. I knew she was still worried, she gave off a nervous vibe.

"You don't need to worry," I smiled. I didn't want to give her any false hope, but I was almost 100% sure she would be just fine. I had a good feeling about it. I looked at her, and she was sitting up. She looked tense. I put my arm around her before kissing her cheek. She cracked a small smile, and that told me I was doing a good job.

"Let's go out, take your mind off of it," I said standing up and extending my hand. I saw Bailey hesitate before placing her hand in mine and standing up as well. She didn't need to be at home dwelling on what could or could not happen. I wanted her to be distracted and not worry for a while.

I followed her to the front door where she slipped on her black vans before we walked out the door. When we got into the car, she reached into my glove box and grabbed the usb chord. She picked up my phone and started to play music like she always did. I loved just listening to music with her.

"Wait where are we going?" she asked me a few minutes later.

"First we'll stop and get something to eat," I smiled. I hadn't eaten all day and I was starving.

Everything I Didn't Say (Luke Hemmings)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora