Chapter 3- I'm Still Smiling

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Chapter 3- i'm Still Smiling

Lorna's PoV

I woke to someone shaking me. I opened one eye and I saw Andrea standing in front of me, not looking impressed.

"What do you want?" I groaned at her.

"For you to buy a phone." She replied. I closed my eye and said

"Bugger off, I don't need a phone and I was sleeping..." She shook me again and said a little harshly

"You do need a phone, Lorna; I don't want you to be sleeping in alleyways! I want to be able to have you stay with me! Why do you always refuse to stay round mine?"

"Do you ever think, 'Oh hey, Lorna doesn't mind being homeless, maybe I should leave her alone?' Does anyone think that? Because I dunno about you but at the moment I already have a problem with three Youtubers who can't seem to keep their noses out of my business, and then there's PJ..." I shout at her. Yup... I don't like being woken up... Andrea knows that and now she's facing my not so nice side, where I rant quite a bit...

"Lorna... Y-You met YOUTUBERS! No way! OMG YOU'RE SO LUCKY!" she squeals. I swear she gets distracted so easily...

"Not really, they are just Nosey and want to know other peoples business..." I reply. She huffs and mutters something beneath her breath.

"Now if you excuse me, I am going to burn some hours out on the streets." I say, getting up and picking up my guitar.

"Oh ok, go on then..." she mutters.

"I'll meet you in front of Starbucks at 4 o'clock!" I shout back before running off.

I got as far as around the corner from starbucks and then i saw PJ. I was going to carry on walking round but i caught sight of the other three. wow... I looked again to make sure i was right and i made eye contact with Dan... i think. He smiled and started walking towards me. I quickly dashed off the way i cam weaving in and out through alleyways hoping to lose him.

Dan's PoV

I was standing outside Starbucks with Phil, Chris and PJ. We were all waiting for that guitar playing chick to come along. I was lazily looking at the sky then i decided to look to my left and just round the corner i saw her peaking round and staring at us. i gave her a nice smile and started walking towards her. before i got anywhere near her, she sprinted off.

"Guys, i found her! she just ran off down here!" i shout to them before running after her. She was fast! she weaved in and out of some random alleyways, until i lost her completely. That was a lie, i lost her quite quickly due to the fact that i can't run more than nine seconds before dying.

"You lose her?" Phil asked. I nodded to him heavily breathing. I started to walk back to Starbucks where Chris and PJ were waiting. I mainly spent the five minute walk trying to regain my breath. We walked into Starbucks and Chris was sitting at a table alone.

"Where's PJ?" Phil asks. I cocked my head to the side to show that i was also interested.

"He ran off somewhere." Chris said casually. Ok then... strange.... I quickly get my phone out and open up twitter. then i write a tweet saying

' Where are you? @kickthePJ' I wonder if he'll see it...

PJ's PoV

I ran off after Dan and Phil went after her. I have a feeling I'll see her close by. I wondered down the busy street until I turned the corner. I kept walking until I was close to giving up. As I turned around I felt someone poke me on my shoulder. I spun back around and a girl was standing there. She had raven black hair and dark blue eyes.

Why did I even trust you? (A KickThePJ FanFic) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now