Chapter 9- Things have changed

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Chapter 9- Things have changed

Lorna's PoV

I feel like i've been spoiled. PJ Bought me a Phone and Chris is throwing a Party for me. Thats the most ive ever recieved. The only bad thing about this is that Andrea, She's become... Distant. I know i must be paranoid but when i saw her this morning we stayed there for five minutes before kicking all three of us out. I invited her the the party though so i should be able to speak to her. i hope she doesnt hate me. That would murder me if she did. I've known her for years. We had our general arguments but usually we both end up crying and making up. Yep. It happens every freaking time. I guess i cant stay angry at her or something...

Me and PJ walk back to his hotel room and Chris goes off to plan the party. I put the bags that i had on the floor and consider what to do. PJ was on the phone out on the balcony so i picked up my guitar. Hm... I flipped it over and ran my fingers over the engraving. I remember when i got this.

** Flash back **

I sat on the swings at the park that me and PJ only knew about. It was deep in the woods behind his home. Where was he? I looked up and grey clouds covered the sky. suddenly shivers ran through my spine. Then i feel someone's hand on my should i jump and a sqeak and i hear the familier laugh. I jump off the swing and see PJ standing there with a Sad yet re-assuring smile.

"Happy birthday Lori." He says happily. He passes my a little gift bag and my guitar.

"Thanks PJ, Where'd you get my guitar from?" I question him.

"You're house, look at the back" He said softly. I flipped it over and it had our names engraved into it inside a heart. I felt a blush form and i nervously giggled.

"Thanks PJ." I mumble with a smile. He grins for a moment then a car horn is heard. His smile just fell off his face.

"What's wrong PJ?" I say. He sighs and keeps frowning. I walk up to him and nudge him slightly. He looks sown into my eyes and all i see were tears on the verge of falling.

"I'm so sorry Lori, i never wanted to keep it a secret. Happy 11th birthday." He whispers. He spins on his heel to go leave.

"PJ..." I murmur.

"I'm leaving lori. I'm sorry." Is all he said before leaving. He left me. I ran after him but i was too late and all i saw was His car being followed by some lorries driving down the street. I let the tears sting my eyes and roll down my face.

** End of flash back **

"Lorna? Lorna? Answer me Lorna!" I heard PJ's voice whisper in my ears. I realised that tears were rolling down my cheeks and i was in PJ's arms. I wiped my eyes with the back of my sleeve.

"Sorry." I mumbled. I wiggled out of his arms and i tuned my guitar in silence. He sat on the bed beside me trying to study my face. He looked at my eyes that were glues to the engraving and his arms wrapped around my waist.

"I totally regret that day. i felt so terrible. I... I saw you standing infront of our old home as we drove away. I should have told you way before im so-" He started to trail off towards the end. I didnt want him to apologise. No matter how hurt i was he didnt have to apologise. I pressed my lips on his to stop him. He kissed back. I had probably the biggest crush on him as a kid but he was more of a brother back then. Maybe he felt the same? He wouldnt kiss back if he didn't right? I pulled away and looked into his eyes

"Don't apologise. If that never happened, We wouldnt be here. Things have changed and thats ok. I just hope you feel the same." I whispered to him. I played about with my guitar and hummed a ew tunes.

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