Inspired by.

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A masterpiece in Ladakh
Inspired by The Laburnum Top, Ted Hughes ✨

Once upon a time,
an artist created a masterpiece
in Ladakh.
A portrait of Buddha,
perfect, calm and serene.
With no one to admire it
but the mountains and the breeze.

The portrait still sits in Ladakh
perfect, calm and serene
with no one to admire it
How it's lonely...

The Fog
Inspired by Carl Sandburg

The Fog runs away from me
like those old faded memories.
The 'us' we used to be,
feels like it has been centuries.

You run away from me like fog
I try to chase you like a loyal dog.
Seems to me you found someone better,
I get it, now I don't matter.

The Hues of Nature

Inspired by one of my favourite authors, Connor Franta. He's a youtuber and has two published books, Note to Self and A Work in Progress. Do check his videos and books out if you haven't already. ✨

Greens and yellow,
All super mellow.
All these blues,
These different hues
Make the corner of my lips rise
For this moment.
For every moment.

Oranges and browns,
Look at mother nature's crown!
Hues of the night,
Feel just right.
Make my heart rise,
For this moment,
For every moment.

Wrote this in the bus on my way back to home after school. You'll find a better explanation in the upcoming
chapter. Hope you liked these.🌻

Image creds @misscreative_riya (instagram)

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