Chap 17 - New Changes With False Alphas

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"Well I guess I have no choice" He began, pausing as gasps from his pack filled the night air. My boys and I stood tall, waiting for the catch that he was sure to reveal. "I, Alpha Joseph Selene, of the Moonstone Pack, have decided to step down and allow my planned successor to take his place as Alpha of this pack. I trust that he will make the right decision and lead this pack well, whilst my mate and I travel the world and reacquaint our selves with each other after too long apart"


Ellena Martin POV (Kay-lee's Mum)

Frozen, that's what I was. I couldn't move as I watched everything I had worked for crumble in front of me. I had spent too many nights fighting myself after phone calls from Joseph. I would spend the entire call telling him he was no longer wanted by me, that I didn't want him back. Now all of that heartache and pain was for nothing.

How could I have been so stupid to think that he would give up that easily? I knew he was stubborn beyond belief and if he wanted something, he would stop at nothing to get it, no matter how long he had to wait. I should have known, that was after all, how he won my heart the first time.

I should have just run with her. Or maybe sent her away? No, that would never have worked, not since she is Alpha. Maybe I could have convinced her and the pack to move...... Not that it really matters now; Joseph now knows about his impure child.

I can only hope that Kay-lee has the sense to use her mouth and talk her way out of here with her life and limbs still intact. I know she can do it, she's used her gift of the gab on me many times over the years. It's not until she is long gone that you realize what she has done.

A fuzzy warmth that only a mother could understand, grows within me as I recall Kay-lee's life. From the day I first found out I was carrying Joseph's child, right through to just last week when she and the other young pack members called me to bail them out of trouble with the principal. I'm still not sure exactly what happened, but I am sure I still don't want to know anymore details on their escapades. I do know it had something to do with a teacher, their car and it being precariously perched on it's bumper as it rested against a tree it had been parked next to in the schools parking lot. That was more than I needed to know.

I'm hurt by Joseph and his actions over the years, but I still love him; I have since the day I first laid eyes on him -As mates do.

I still can not believe that I am standing here between my mate and my child, watching, waiting and hoping that all will be okay between them, yet knowing that Joseph and his pack live by a barbaric set of rules -If it's not pure, kill it- But I have to hold on to my hope; after all, hope is all I have. I have tried to keep Kay-lee from him for that very reason, but with him marking me, although by force, it brings me new hope that he has changed and is willing to accept our "impure" child as he has accepted his "impure" mate. I have to, it is all I can do as I stand here; a mere human, in a room full of wolves.

A snarl rips through the room, forcing me to refocus on the situation in front of me. Knowing it was Mason who the menacing noise came from, the mother in me took hold before I had a chance to think through what was coming from my mouth "Mason Anderson! Don't be so rude! I know your mother raised you with better manners than that!" I chastised him the same way I have over the many years that he and Kay-lee have been friends.

The response from the boy I class as the son I never had, but had always hoped one day would grace our little family, was far from what I had ever expected to hear come from his mouth and directed at me.

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