Chap 11 -Reunited but still devided

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Okay guys,

So here it is, I'm not sure if I'm happy about how I wrote the ending, but I didn't want to leave ya'll hanging any longer. Seriously though, thank you everyone, I really appreciate the support and feed back, and thank you to all my new fans!

So ya'll know the drill, read, enjoy, tell me what you think, thanks guys.

- Manda


Ellena Martin's P.O.V (Kay-lee's Mum)

Standing tall with my chin raised to show I mean business, I repeated myself even though I knew he didn’t need it “I said, I don’t want you here, you need to leave”

I watched the pain flash through his eyes, before he masked it as he always did. Narrowing my eyes at him as he began to approach me with his lips twisted into that same cocky grin that used to make my knees weak and my resolve crumble with just the thoughts of what he was thinking, and although that is exactly what I wish I could allow my body to do this time, I had a more important reason to stand strong against the pull of my mate.

Crossing my arms over my chest as I finally no-longer crumbled under his heated gaze, I continued to watch him as he approached me. With his body only inches from mine, I could feel his body heat pouring from him, as though warming after feeling the chill of a cold winter night. His power radiating from him in waves, crashing over me, finally allowing me to feel protected once again after so many years and then there was his scent; a smell of pure male, a smell that called to every fiber of my body like a sirens call to a lost sailor, promising me a life time of love and protection and all I had to do was give in and accept. Which my younger, more naive self would have happily done all those years ago, but not today, not any more. Now I am a woman scorned with a more important reason to resist; I am a mother protecting her pup.

Hearing a growl rumble through his chest as he inhaled my scent, I knew he had picked up on the same change in my scent as Rosie had all those years ago when I had met her for the first time in the park. Deciding to play dumb, I wiped my face of all other emotions, leaving only confusion to be seen as he pulled away from me as though he had been burned. I watched as his features hardened and took on a dark and dangerous look before he all but growled at me “What the hell is that?” He grit out between his clenched teeth. I watched as the muscle in his jaw jumped as he continued to try and restrain his anger of whatever his assumption is.

“What the hell is what?” I asked as I continued with my “play dumb” act.

“Why the hell do you smell different!” he almost roared as he pushed away from me and scrunched his nose as though the smell repulsed him.

Scrunching my face as though confused “Well it has been nineteen years; you surely didn’t expect me to still be using the same perfume after so long did you?” In all honesty, I actually had been still using the same one all these years, right up until I came to see him. I had stopped to buy a new fragrance in the hopes of throwing him off my new scent, but it obviously didn’t work.

In all honestly, I hadn’t really expected it to.

Growling again I watched as his eyes darkened from the ice blue that he gave to our daughter, to a vibrant royal blue, that I guess would be the eyes of his wolf. Instead of being scared, like I should have been, I rolled my eyes at him and before he could growl at me again, I spoke up “As I said before; a lot has changed since you left all those years ago. I took your opinion of me and made the changes I needed to in order to live”

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