Chap 6 -Confusing Answers..

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“Kay-lee?” I heard Jess call from the other side of my locked door. I ignored her calls as I tried to calm my heart and breathing so I could face the day ahead and know that I’m not going to have a heart attack or something.


“ALRIGHT, alright. I’m coming, keep ya undies on will ya!”

Unlocking the door and ripping it open to find a flustered Jess as she was about to bang down my door again.

“What the HELL was THAT!?” She all but yelled at me.

“You want to calm down before you wake the whole pack” Noticing that she had begun to draw a crowd of other girls “Then tell me what you’re on about?”

Looking over her shoulder at the others questioning looks “Oh sweetie, they know why I’m here and I’m sure they’ll want to know to”

Looking back to the other girls, I noticed some now looked slightly embarrassed, which only served to confuse me more. “What the hell are you talking about Jess?”

“Oh sweetie, if you haven’t realised by now, I think we need to get you a cup of coffee before we go telling you” She answered as she grabbed my hand and pulled me to the kitchen with the other girls following.

As we entered the kitchen, my nose was assaulted with the sweet, sweet smell of freshly brewed coffee. “Ahh girls, I wondered when you would be arriving”

“Morning Mrs Anderson” we all replied

“Come, sit, drink and we will get to the bottom of this” she told us as though she were our mother preparing to tell us something that was so completely obvious and yet sweet that we didn’t understand it.

“Now are all the un-mated girls here?” She questioned me once the coffee had been passed around

Furrowing my brows at her strange question, I searched the kitchen making note of who was in attendance to our little group “All but the pups. Why?”

Giving me a motherly smile, she answered “Because sweetie, you have found your mate and it couldn’t have been any more romantic!” She told me as she beamed with motherly pride and unabashed excitement.

Feeling the colour drain from my face as one of many feelings rushed through me at her announcement, my mind instantly jumped to thoughts of my dream. As I tried to sypher through my thoughts, feelings and the outright chaos in my head, I was faintly aware of the conversation going on around me.

“But why is that we ALL saw her dream?”

Hearing Jess’s question brought me from my haze as quick as being doused with a bucket of ice cold water “WAIT, WHAT!?” I all but screamed as I looked around me at all the embarrassed looking women surrounding me.

Hearing Mrs Andersons motherly chuckle, I torn my eyes back to her “Oh sweetie, it’s nothing to be ashamed about. Although this was the first time I have ever experienced it, it used to be quite a common occurrence when we were more in tune with our wolves as you are now”

“But that still doesn’t tell me why it’s happened or why the other girls saw it!” I all but pleaded with her as my eyes gave away that I was unsure of why was happening to me and I was beginning to worry.

With another motherly chuckle, she replied “Because you are our Alpha, sweetie. Your wolf side has gone off of natural instinct and projected to all un-mated she-wolves in our pack, to show them that you have found your mate and there is hope for them to still do the same. Now it used to be the men that it was projected to, so that they also knew that their pack was almost complete, and also so if they ever saw their future luna, they would be able to protect her until their Alpha could reach her” She explained “But being that you are the first ever female Alpha that I have ever heard of, I can only guess that, that is why all the girls saw it and not the men” she finished, looking thoughtful.

“But how are they meant to know who he was when I could barely make out what he looked like and I was looking straight at him?” I asked, feeling slightly flustered by all of this new information “All I know is that his eyes…………. His eyes were the blues eyes I have ever seen before in my life” I told them as my memory tried to do them justice.

Hearing Mrs Anderson’s laughter brought me back from my memories “Oh Sweetie, just his voice alone was enough to have even a happily mated woman like me on the verge of jealousy”

Scrunching my face in confusion at her comment I asked “But you said the un-mated women were the only ones to see it, so how is that you saw it to?”

“Oh, well, my guess is that it’s because I am an elder in our pack, so it was information I needed to have. As for not being able to see him properly, I can only guess that it was because he is like the rest of us when it comes to the connection with his wolf”

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