Chap 7 -Broken Alliances

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“Are you excited?” Jess was practically bouncing on the spot after bursting through my bedroom door.

“Am I meant to be?” I asked, completely in the dark about what she’s on about

Rolling her eyes at me, she stopped her excited bouncing and gave me the ‘Are you stupid?’ look before answering with “There’s only a week left until the next full moon!” She all-but squealed at me, causing me to cringe at her high pitch.

“And… Why is that so exciting?” Still baffled by her weird behaviour, I don’t think I could have scrunched my face in confusion anymore without hurting something –like my brain, as I tried to work out what she was so excited about. The full moon is nothing to get excited about, I mean, it does have an effect on you – it allows you to feel whole, to feel completely at one with everything; to feel peace. After the full moon, you feel more refreshed than you could ever imagine, it truly is an amazing experience.

“I can’t believe you forgot! I mean……. You forgot!!! How does anyone forget something like that?” Jess almost yelled, dragging my attention back to her.

“JESS!” I almost yelled as I grabbed her by the shoulders and gave a gently shake “What the HELL are you on about?”

“I will have you in my arms before you can howl your broken song to the moon” was all I heard as my mind instantly flashed to the pair of eyes that have haunted my dreams for just over two weeks now.

I felt my animalistic side stir, as it has every day since that night. It has become almost unbearable; every time I went for a run, my instincts would almost send me insane as one told me to find him and the other battled to remind me about my pack and how I couldn’t leave them unprotected, because even though it has been over a month now since we have had an intruder, I know that there is something big headed our way, and I can’t afford to drop my guard – not even for the mate I know is out there and coming for me.

“Kay-lee, Kay-lee!” I refocused on Jess as she clicked her fingers in front of my face

“I completely forgot” I breathed as she stood there staring at me

“I kind of figured that one out when I first came in here, though I can’t really say that I’m surprised, especially since you have been unbelievably busy lately” She told me as she nodded her head as though confirming her own thoughts.

“What was I supposed to do? Sit around and pine after him? –Although the wolf in me would love to do that, it also constantly reminds me that there is a threat headed our way, it grows nearer with every passing day and we need to be prepared for it” I told her, feeling a little defensive.

Raising her hands in surrender, Jess replied “I know sweetie, and I don’t blame you at all. Heck, I probably would have gone stupid by now if I was in your shoes” She has no idea how close I have come on so many occasions.

“I’m sorry, I just don’t need this right now. I am so on edge today, I can barely think straight” I tell her, heaving a sigh of frustration as I drag my hand through my hair.

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