Chap 15 -Simple Solutions

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You all are so understanding, I honestly thought that I would get at least a couple of complaints, no, not one! I officially have the best fans EVER!!!!

Okay, as promised, chap 15 here we come!


Shaking my head slightly "It's fine" I deadpanned. Looking up for the first time since taking on my human form, I looked directly into the eyes of the man my mum calls her mate as I spoke "Hello Daddy. I see nothing has changed over the years, you still want me dead, since I am the Alpha who has claimed your land"


 I watched carefully as he refused to show the torrent of emotions that I could feel crashing off of him like the waves of a raging sea.

If it wasn't for the fact that anger seemed to be the emotion that he and his wolf have begun to settle on, I probably would have laughed by now. The thought of him being able to do anything if I were to laugh almost had a scoff leaving my mouth, why I am so confident, I'm not a hundred percent sure, but I'm guessing it has something to do with my wolf and I being one now.

Bringing my self from my thoughts, I returned my focus to resisting my body's overwhelming want to soak up my "fathers" building anger and rise to the challenge. The immense pride washing off of my boys from behind me, helping greatly with that task.

So suddenly, I was almost caught off balance, the waves of anger that had been slowly growing stopped. It was so quick, that it would have any normal wolf questioning whether or not it had actually been there.

Watching as his body relax slightly and a small smile tug at his lips, I knew he had come to some stupid thought that I wasn't going to like. I kept my guarded stance as his slight smile grew to a smile that a father saves especially for his little girl when he couldn't be more proud of her. I was surprised at how unsettling that smile truly made me, I found myself more on edge than when his anger was building faster than a tsunami in a tropical storm!

"He's up to something" I pushed to my boys behind me as I felt them slightly relax, only to tense again with my thoughts.

I watched as he tested my name on his tongue "Kay-lee" knowing what he was doing and ignoring it, I responded "Joseph" allowing no emotion to caress his name, burning like acid as it left my mouth. Watching his eyes light up, only for his brows to furrow a split second later, he grumbled "I liked it better when you called me daddy"

"I'm sorry Joseph" I began, emphasizing his name "but that was not meant to be said as an endearment of any sort" I deadpanned before taking the chance to get down to business "Now that the introductions are finished. I am not relocating my pack" Again deadpanning any thought he may have had and leaving no room for argument.

Shock covering his face for a moment before he threw his head back and released a deep, throaty laugh. Feeling irritation grow from within me, I continued to give nothing away and let him have his laugh. Mason's growl from behind me though, brought his laughing to an abrupt halt and quick as lightning mums motherly instincts took hold, causing her to speak for the first time in what felt like forever "Mason Anderson! Don't be so rude! I know your mother raised you with better manners than that!"

Expecting his usually, guilty apology, I found myself whipping my head around in shock at his reply

Releasing a deeper, and slightly more menacing growl, this time directed towards my mum, he grit out between clenched teeth "You no longer have the right to chastise me Ellena, so it would be safe for you to keep your mouth shut, or I will shut it for you. The only reason you are still standing is because of your blood ties to our Alpha, if it wasn't for that, your head would have been ripped from your shoulders by now for treason! So keep quiet woman!"

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