~nine hour flight~

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The clock was heard once again. It was now six in the morning and the brunet had to get up in order not to miss his flight to Florida. Today was the day, the man would meet his best friend in person for the first time.

He hadn't gotten that much sleep from the night before. Was it his happiness keeping him awake or was it his nervousness? He wasn't sure about the answer.

As the man finally got up to get ready, his phone buzzed and on the now lightened up screen a message popped up.

His curiosity lead him to the phone and with a quick glance he realized that the person messaging him was the green blob known as Dream.


Hello Georgie


Hello! What's up?


Oh nothing. Just wondering when should I come pick you up from the airport


Oh you don't have to. I can call an Uber.


No. I'll come pick you up 🙂


Okay then. Well my flight is in an hour. I'll text you once I'm there since I am not exactly sure of when I'm gonna be there.

Pissbaby 👽

Okay sure! Have a good flight then.

Thank you! 😊

Pissbaby 👽

No problem 😊 Bye!


And with that, his phone screen was once more black.

George walked over to his window and opened the blinds, letting the sun in and bringing in fresh air.

His chest rised up and then down as his lungs filled with air and his nose experienced what the newly planted flowers smelled like.

Peace was all he felt right now but he knew that he had to get ready.
So he walked. His destination being the bathroom. The brunet took a quick shower and brushed his teeth as his reflection in the mirror did the same. Once he got out of his bathroom and into his bedroom, his eyes fell upon the black Dream hoodie that was laying on his bed and a pair of black jeans that were thrown over his gaming chair.

That's when he thought to himself 'should I wear this hoodie?'. Making up his mind wasn't hard with stuff like this. If he wanted to do something he would do it and wearing the hoodie was one of the many things he wanted to do.

His quick decisions have lead him to bad outcomes sometimes though and those bad outcomes lead him to his now messed up past.

Even though his decision on what to wear wasn't a big deal he grew up, being scared while making choices on his own. To be more specific the man started taking decisions seriously after what happened.

Well that story is for another time, for now the brunet pulled the black hoodie over his head and the black pare of jeans on.

He looked at himself up and down. It wasn't much but it was okay.

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