~at the beach~

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Ten minutes passed by as the brunnet was finally ready.
Dressed with a pair of black shorts and a white t-shirt covering his top half, he looked at himself in the mirror once again before getting out of his room.

Stepping and moving forward, he made his way down the stairs as Clay looked at him and got up from the couch with a backpack in his hands.

" Oh nice. Are you ready?"

" Yeah, I am "

" Does my swimming suit fit you?"

"It's a bit loose around the waist but it's okay overall"

" I'm glad"

George stepped closer to the blonde man as he pointed to the black bag with confusion written all over his face.

"What's the bag for?"

" Some towels, money and some sunscreen since your ghost like skin  won't be able to handle even the smallest amount of sun"

" Oh thank you for calling me a ghost, masked man "

" My pleasure"

With a quick chuckle and a slight nudge on the solder they opened the front door, their destination being the expensive black car.

With his keys in one hand, the blonde man walked George to the passenger's side and opened the door after unlocking it, letting the brunnet in.

Clay's eyes were still on the brunnet as he walked over to the cars driver's side and got in.

"Put your seat belt on"

"Okay mom"


" I couldn't help it" said George through a weak laugh.

With that, the car's engine started in the black vehicle reversed.

The rest of their trip was filled with music and some little sentences here and there.

The green-eyed man couldn't help but look at the shorter male now and then.

He made mental notes to himself to notice George more. He wanted to know what he was thinking about so that he could help him.

He wanted to confess what he did.

He wanted to tell George that he read the file in his laptop.

He wanted to let the broken male know that everything was going to be okay.

But most importantly, he wanted to let him know that it wasn't his fault.


"Oh, yeah?"

"Are we there yet?"

" Yeah, we almost are."

Looking up once again, the brunnet was met with a huge body of water and golden sand.

"We are here"

"Oh, wow"

"Good thing not many people are here"

" It looks so peaceful"

" It does"

Without much time passing by, Clay grabbed his backpack as he quickly stepped out and around the car opening the passenger door for the brunette to come out.

Step by step, they got closer to the beach as their feet started to sink in the golden brown sand and the smell of the summer breeze overwhelmed them in the nicest way possible.

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