~it was my fault~

17 3 0

Trigger Warning (TW): drinking, mention of abuse, self harm

George laughed a little as he was shocked at Clay's suggestion

"You want to drink?

The blonde man nodded.

"Like... alcohol?" The blonde man nodded again with a big smile.

"You can't drink yet, you know"

"Oh come on. Don't be set a pussy. I have drunk before."

Laughter was heard from the brunnet before answering.

"I guess we can drink a little"

Without a second passing by, Clay shot up from the couch and paced to the kitchen

"You don't have to tell me twice"

George burst out laughing once he saw the tall man running out the kitchen with two bottles of whiskey in his hands.
The tall man sat beside the brunette handing him one of the bottles before crossing his legs like a 5-year-old and taking a swing of liquor.

"How is it?"


"That's the fun thing about drinking"

Another swing of alcohol was taken by the younger male as George placed his hand over the other's trying to stop him from drinking anymore.

"Wow there big man! You are going to get drunk"

"I'm not don't worry. Relax a bit"

George smiled at Clay before looking down at his drink, bringing it up to his pink lips and drinking the liquid inside the glass bottle.

The bottles emptied as time passed and both males started to get dizzy.

"... And then, Nick fell!" Clay said through a couple of hiccups and giggles.

"How did he do that?" The older managed to say through fits of laughter.

"That's what I said!"

Laughter filled the room and George got up from the couch.

The bottle left his hands and dropped on the floor with a clank and his feet moved a little forward, grabbing the blonde man by the hand and dragging him up the stairs.

With a little push, the brunnet's bedroom door opened and the two males got in while stumbling a little.

Clay stood beside the door and looked at George get on the bed and pat the spot beside him.


The blonde man stumbled his way to the bed laying down as both males immediately fell asleep and gave in their tiredness.

By the time they started to wake up it was already noon.

With a pair of arms wrapped around him, the brunnet felt his eyes blur into consciousness.

His head was pounding and he felt like he was about to puke.

"Ow! My head"

Trying to get up, he found it hard to move as a force held him in place.

Panic spread over him like a cloud as he started to breathe faster.

Flashbacks from 5 months ago flooded his mind and his eyes started to tear up.

"George? Are you okay?"

George sat up straight on the bed as the green eyed man beside him tried to calm him down.

"Hey, hey, hey. George, take big breaths"

" Get away" said the crying man while pushing Clay away.

" George, please"

Two tanned hands tried to give the shorter male the comfort he needed without much success.

"Look at me George"

With shaky hands over his tear stained face and his legs prepped up close to his body the brunnet started to calm down as he figured out that he was not in danger.

"George look at me" he paused for a moment "please"

George's head rised from his hands as he looked at the green eyes in front of him.

"Tell me, what's wrong?"

"It was my fault"

Clay got closer, placing his hands on both sides of the brunnet's face.

"What was?"

"I let him do it" he whispered.

"George please explain"

"He raped me..." Said the shorter male as fresh new tears stained his red face.

"My own dad raped me. All I wanted was for him to stop drinking..." He took a big breath before continuing.

"... He came to my house after my mom made him leave. We started arguing and he started screaming at me." Another shaky breath was taken.

"... I was scared.... I went to grab my phone to call the police but he pushed me. I fell and he got on top of me..."

It was hard for him to talk through his quick breaths but continued speaking anyway.

"He hit me... I tried to stop him but he held my hands above my head. He hit me again and again..."

The blonde man was crying as he was hearing the pain in George's voice.

" I managed to get my hands out of his grip and punch him but that didn't help much as he got angrier and pinned me down with a stronger grip. He- " the brunnet found it hard to continue.

Everything was blurry in his mind.

" He... He did it"

Clay opened his mouth and spoke.

" George I'm so sorry"

The tall man knew about the story.

He read it in the hidden file but hearing it from his friend's mouth was different.

" I started to cut myself. I figured it would be a good punishment for not trying hard enough but I came to the conclusion that the pain wasn't good enough since it actually made me feel a little better. I stopped. I started thinking about killing myself but found it hard to do so"

George wiped the tears from his eyes, clearing his vision in the process.

"You and Nick are the reasons I'm still alive"

And with that being heard, the younger male pulled the older man into his arms as they both let their tears set free from their eyes.

"I'm sorry , Clay"

"Don't apologize about something that is not your fault and don't blame yourself about what happened"

They parted and Clay grabbed George's face once again.

"Everything is going to be okay. You're with me now"

The brunnet looked into the green eyes in front of him finding reassurance in them.

For the first time in 5 months he felt a little safe and his mouth turned upright as a slight smile appeared.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2021 ⏰

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