Chapter 1

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March 2018, Mumbai
I’ve heard about the horrors of studying Engineering. So, I didn’t want to take it at first. But dad persisted. It’s not like I care, I’ll probably fail. It’s not like he cares either., he’ll just push me into his business. Its mom, she just wants to flaunt to her rich friends, that her one and only son is no less than their abroad educated children. I don’t understand why desi parents use their children’s education or marriage as a means to show off.
I pushed the keys in and opened the door to my new apartment. It wasn’t as big as my room, but it was big enough for me.
After entrance, I had a queen-sized bed on the floor, next to it was a study table with a small bookshelf above. Then there were some drawers and dressing table. Next to it was bathroom and the second room was a kitchen. The kitchen had a two-seater dining table, and had a balcony with a washing machine.
15 minutes of inspection later. I plonked on the bed. It was soft. I had no idea how tired I was from all the travelling. Mumbai was hot at this time of the year. I was sweating.
My new apartment was on the seventh floor of the posh dormitory. All my friends were staying in different dorms. House hunting is difficult in Mumbai, I guess, even if it’s for a small apartment. Now that I am here, I should focus on why I came. To get away from home and all the drama and...and I just want to graduate… that’s all. I closed my eyes and slowly dosed off.

“RINNGGG”, My phone buzzed, it was Abhi. I lazily picked it up.
‘Hello?’, I blurted, half asleep.
‘Where are you? Im calling you since 5…’
‘What time is it?’, My room was dark, I shifted and turned the bedside lamp on.
‘It’s 6:45 now. I wanted to ask you if you settled down and needed anything’
My head hurt as my eyes adjusted to the light.
‘No im fine’
‘What about dinner?’
‘Me and Mayur are going out now join us if you don’t have any plans for dinner’
‘Okay’. My brain had officially stopped functioning; I hadn’t come to senses yet.
‘I’ll dm you the location’, he said and cut the call.
I held my head in my hands as I processed what just happened.
My room was empty yet. I’ll need to buy some stuff; I better make a list. It was my first time living alone in an unknown city, but this feeling wasn’t foreign to me. I’ll settle down tomorrow.

‘Straight and then right’, I told the rickshaw driver.
The evening city was crowded as people rushed home from work. I had never seen so many people at the same time, our auto almost penetrated through the hordes of people. A small framed man was about to get hit, he cursed at the auto driver. The driver kept calm and moved on.
‘Now its rush hour na, that’s why you’ll see so many people’, he noticed my worried expression.
Few mins later, we reached the place.
‘Yeah, stop right here’, I said. I entered a place called “China Town”. It was airconditioned, smelled like sauces and had golden lightings with elaborate decorations. I noticed Mayur raise his hand to signal me, from a corner table. I went there and sat next to Abhi. They complained about their dorm rooms and how thick the books were.
Abhi and Mayur were my friends back from Delhi. We went to same high school and our dads were business partners. They always included me in their plans, so we hung out most of the time. They weren’t bad people, but they weren’t the type who I could tell my secrets to.
‘Which club are you planning on joining?’ Mayur asked me
‘Ofcourse he’ll join the music club’ Abhi added
‘Actually, I haven’t decided yet’, I muttered. I didn’t want to get into any of that.
‘Join the books club, I say’ Mayur said as he picked up the menu and adjusted his glasses to read as if he was going to read a story book.
Sometime later our food was served and everyone digged in. I didn’t realize how hungry I was up until now. My friends continued with their idiotic talk even while eating. I felt like a dork just sitting there.
Few bites later, I lost interest from the food. I mixed the gravy and rice on my plate. I noticed some hustle near the entrance of the restaurant. Four guys, around my age entered the restaurant. They quickly settled down at the table adjacent to ours. It took me some time to notice but it was him. Im sure it was him.
‘Yo?’ Abhi said, ‘You gonna finish that or want to take parcel?’. I had spent quite some time staring at the table with four guys rather than paying attention to their very important discussion.
‘Huh?... no im done’. We paid our share of bill and got up to leave. I passed through that table and tried not to look but I couldn’t help. I side eyed him. A guy sitting Infront of him tried to take his picture so he covered his face with both his palms. Damnit! I lost my one and only chance to confirm if it was him or not.

We got out of that place. It was dark but shops had lit up the whole area. Everyone looked like they had somewhere to reach as fast as possible. Out of the restaurant was a Pan shop. Abhi got a packet of cigarette and passed one to Mayur and asked me too, all while holding one in his mouth and searching for a lighter in his pocket. I simply shook my head. He looked confused. Mayur looked away while blowing the smoke.
‘I don’t smoke anymore’, I made clear
‘ooh Raj Malhotra! Since when?’, Abhi smirked. ‘im sure your mom will be proud’ 
Will she? I thought

I switched on the lights to my apartment. The light spread through the empty room. I will need to buy my textbooks and other things. I was all over the place. I will put things in place tomorrow. I went in the kitchen. The light from my hall-cum-bedroom wasn’t reeking in till here. I opened the fridge; it illuminated the area. I found two beer cans. I took one and went in the balcony. I could see people in the flats Infront of me. I saw a family eating dinner. My phone buzzed. Abhi and Mayur were deciding on going stationary shopping together. I checked my notifications., I had a WhatsApp text from mom:

                                                          5 UNREAD MESSAGES
Reached Mumbai?
Call when you reach
                                               Missed voice call at 7:49
                                               Missed voice call at 8:35

                                                            I reached at 3 then took a nap
Had dinner?
I’m coming over tomorrow
                                                                                                  No need

My message was delivered but she didn’t read it. Sometimes I wonder if she really cares for me. I emptied the can and kept it on the sink. I closed the window and came in. I lay on the bed while thinking of the restaurant guy. I must be seeing things. It can’t be him. It was long time ago. I don’t even know his name. He’s probably my age, but im not sure of that either. It’s just that… there is no way that I’ll run into him. I really should stop thinking so much.
All these thoughts in my head., I wish they would go away.

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