Chapter 25

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A couple of weeks later, there were some men in black scouring the rooftops for the turtles. It was some of Bishop's men again. They were looking for the turtles.

Bishop was still mad at the turtles for messing up his plans with his Slayer. Now he wanted some payback. He had said on his way out the last time, that they would one day pay for what they had done.

Tonight, three commandoes were running over rooftops and using night vision binoculars to try to find the turtles. It was still a warm enough evening for reptiles to be active out.

Soon enough, this group of commandoes did find the turtles, two of them anyway, and something extra: a lizard with them.

The turtles that were out were Don and Mikey. Leo, Raph, and Casey were out too, but in another part of town.

The commandoes reported back to Bishop by radio.

"Agent Bishop, we have located two of the turtles, but we have also seen something new with them." One of them said.

Bishop was online with them. "What do you have for me?"

"It's some kind of lizard."

This information got Bishop's attention. "Does it look like a crocodile?" He assumed it was Leatherhead.

"No. This is not the crocodile at all. It's something new."

"Call in back up and get the turtles and this lizard then. I must have them." Bishop ordered. He knew the turtles could be tough fighters, so the humans needed extra backup.

The men proceeded to call for backup and many men drove to their location. A helicopter was even called in.

Don, Mikey and Randall were having fun with each other when all of a sudden, a helicopter came out of nowhere and men in black came and surrounded them.

"Freeze! Or we will open fire!"

The men knew Bishop wanted them alive.

"Where did they come from?" Mikey asked.

"I don't know, but we have to get out of here." Don said.

Randall had an instant fear reaction and vanished.

The men were shocked.

"Get the turtles!"

Don and Mikey fought back with what they had. And for what the humans couldn't see, then they were attacked by something they couldn't see. The men were tripped up or hit in the face, or their guns were hit into their faces. Randall had become quite good at this.

But then, darts were hit into Don's right arm, and Mikey's left leg. It made them stop fighting. They were getting dizzy.

Men then grabbed Don and Mikey, making them drop their weapons. Mikey's phone also came out of his belt.

"If you're still here, Lizard, if you want your friends to live, you'll come out of hiding right now!"

Randall froze. He had never been stuck in this dilemma before, because he had just always looked out for himself. But now, he did think of the turtles as his family. He still stayed invisible though.

He bared his teeth silently and went to work. He snuck up on the men and bit their legs and arms. It made them let go of his friends when they cried out in pain.

The copter flying overhead had landed a few rooftops over to have given the help. So it was down.

When the men had let go of his friends, then he proceeded to jump on them, tail swat them in the face and trip them up. And this had been five men.

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