Chapter 103

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Despite Brianna's birth, things still had to go on for everyone else in their own personal lives too. They would all be happy to be there for their human friends. A new baby was a new adventure for everyone involved.

Midori talked to Randall again about kids, as it made her more inclined to want some of her own even more.

"What do you think of kids now? I mean for in the future?" Midori asked him on the couch one night.

"I'm still a little unsure of it all. I know I just want to get experience first. If I can't cut it as a babysitter with this one, how would I ever cut it as a father? I've just always known myself to be too impatient with many people in my life." Randall replied sadly.

"You've done fine with me, and also look at the way you humor Michelangelo's childish ways. He may not be a real child, but if you humor him, you could humor kids." Midori encouraged.

Maybe she had a point, but he was still wary of the idea. He was going to stick to his word first. He knew where babies came from and he wanted to shy away from that idea until he was ready. He wouldn't go there. Babies were better being planned than when they weren't wanted. He wasn't ready to be a father yet.

They would see about it in the near future.

Don began making more toys for Bri. He had made his own toys when he had been a kid himself, as well as for his brothers when they were all kids. He had never thought he would be making baby toys again.

Mikey began making baby clothes and such for Bri.

Splinter would be happy to give some wisdom into parenthood with what he had experienced with his sons growing up.

Leo could only imagine what training with a small child would be like. Cody Jones had been his first real student, and he had been 14 to start his training. Bri would have to be at least five or six before starting her training at the earliest. But the more she knew from a younger age, the more likely she could be able to defend herself from big meanies on the streets of New York.

Raph would be happy to assist in Bri's training too. Even though he wasn't a father, but he did feel a certain tenderness toward the child too when he was around her. He and Casey were so close he felt like he was his brother.

After being around the new baby and holding her, the turtles were all thinking a little more of whether they wanted to start families of their own one day. They just hoped it would be possible. None of them knew what had become of themselves in the future, how they had died or anything, or if they had gone on to do anything real meaningful in their lives.

Sure, Donny had helped make O'Neil Tech in the future, and the Hover Shell car, but had they been able to move out of the sewers and get real jobs and homes? It was hard to say. Only Cody had known. It would be nice to live above ground, but for the time being, it was just too dangerous. The farmhouse retreat was the only place where they seemed to get a little of that experience.

Now that Casey was a new father, he didn't go on patrols with the turtles as much. Randall began picking up some of it, but he had a girlfriend now to think of as well.

There had begun to be some more mysterious Foot activity on the surface. Kahn was still leading the organization. Weapons from warehouses began to appear stolen and such. This was making them become more of a threat too.

Don knew they needed to check out these robberies. Randall decided to assist them on this night. He had a better chance of sneaking into a warehouse and seeing what they were up to, and seeing if he could find any of the missing weapons.

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