Chapter 107: Showdown with Hebi

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The next day, they were all up by what would be 7 am. They were up and training and then had some breakfast with the Shogun and Lord Noriyuki. Then there was the planning for the battle ahead with the snake criminal.

Midori really didn't want to partake in the fight, even though she was training to become a warrior too.

The Shogun had a big army and had plenty of battle experience. He was also a general and big militia specialist.

The turtles were all battle specialists too. Randall had gained a lot of experiences, but was not quite as advanced. But he had his own ways.

They practiced with different weapons in the courtyard and they also practiced riding some horses too, for they might also be doing that too.

Randall was more hesitant to get on a horse. He saw how Mikey easily got on one, but Randall wasn't exactly able to sit the same way as a two-legged person.

Since no normal saddle could really settle for him, just a plain bareback pad was put on a horse for Randall to try. With some help, he was given a leg up onto the horse's back and he sat on a horse for a first time.

"Keep him steady for me." Randall said. "I've never ridden one of these before." He was nervous about this.

"You need to be assertive. You need to show the horse who's boss." The groom said. "He'll pick up on your energy if you're nervous."

"Think of something that makes you feel assertive, but calm, Randall." Usagi encouraged.

Randall could easily think of something like that; thinking back to when he was almost in charge of his former company. But he controlled his thoughts. It did bring him to a more thorough way of feeling.

"Just breathe to steady yourself." Leo said. "Like we practice all the time in training." He too was on a horse.

All the turtles were on horses. Leatherhead watched. He felt more comfortable being a ground fighter.

The turtles felt comfortable enough to ride horses on their own. Randall still needed some leading around for starters so he could get used to feeling the horse's body rhythms. Walking became comfortable soon enough. It was going faster that made him a little more nervous though, moving into a bouncy trot.

The groom was still leading the red horse that he was on. Randall clenched his feet into the horse's sides, and his hands gripped the mane and shoulders for all he had in him.

When the groom brought him down to a walk again, Randall was still holding on tight. "You have to release the fear."

"I don't know if this is for me. Maybe if I ride double might make a difference." Randall declared.

"You could ride with me." Mikey offered.

"Sure, later though." Randall said. "I want off for the time being. I've had enough."

"Very well." The groom said, and he helped the lizard down.

Randall's legs and underside felt very different when he got off. They felt, heavier. After all, he had used muscles in his legs that he wasn't used to using.

"Riding isn't for everyone." Leatherhead said.

"I can agree with that. The faster movements were starting to make me feel sick to my stomach." Randall stated, his color turning a shade of green. He was still a little shaken.

"Riding may not be for you then." LH stated.

Randall nodded. He tried hard to keep the bile down. He went and sat down before he hurled his breakfast up. He sat there until the turtles were all done testing themselves on horses.

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