Chapter 66: The Ancient One

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A few days later, Randall had gone back to the lair to hang out. He and Mikey started looking at some new comics that Randall had brought for him, bought by April to start the new collection of Silver Sentry comics that had been lost. There was one that was called Toxic Zombie.

"Thanks, Randall." Mikey said.

"No problem. I told April and she wanted to help." Randall replied.

Splinter's younger three sons had already had training for the day and now, he wanted to train alone with Leonardo. Leo was still raring to go. Splinter asked for Leo's other katana and Leo gave it to him. It was just a katana lesson, but at the same time, Splinter wanted to get Leonardo to talk.

Raph was weight lifting again, with Don right next to him. The noises were getting intense as their bro and father were going at it.

They all could hear Leo was getting agitated as the lesson continued.

"I already told you I'm fine." Leo snapped at his father. He was tired of these questions about his behavior.

"You are sure?" Splinter asked.

"Nothing is the matter, Sensei!" Leo replied back. "Why do you keep asking me that?!"

Mikey and Randall looked up from the comics. They were getting worried about Leo.

"So much anger. The inner pressure of the unopened bottle will burst when it becomes too much to bear. For months now, you have been brooding, sirly, and stubborn!" Splinter admitted to Leo.

"Yeah, right!"

Even Raph and Don looked at each other at hearing those comments. It was so hard to get Leo to open up about his feelings. They were worried that something was going to happen that would be something bad. Splinter had a point.

"You have not been yourself! You must let go of what festers within you. Your family will help you, Leonardo. We must be open with one another." Splinter explained while dodging his son's many strikes at him.

Leo's voice could be heard carrying a lot of anger. Then he put his own sword under the one his father was using and flipped it away from him.

Splinter looked at him and glared.

"Open? Fine!" Leo snapped angrily. "This katana lesson stinks! I mastered this years ago! Years ago!"

Splinter was getting agitated too. He went over to collect the sword. "It is not the student's place to say when a lesson is learned." He went back for more fighting with Leo. "The student's place is to listen and learn." They continued their fight.

Leo's brothers and Randall gathered around to watch. "Something tells me the cork's about to pop on that unopened bottle." Mikey pointed out.

"That hothead." Raph said. He crossed his arms. The others looked at him. "I hate it when Leo reminds me of me." Then they looked back at Leo and Splinter.

"I've already mastered this lesson! And yesterday's lesson! And the one before that! When... are you going... to teach me something... I don't already know?!" Leo yelled angrily, and his control was gone. He slashed his father's head close to his right ear in anger.

Splinter cried out and felt to his knees. He held the wound.

The others gasped and ran over to him. The uncorked bottle had finally burst. "Master Splinter!" Don gasped in concern.

Leo was brought out of his anger when he saw he had hurt his father. He dropped his katana.

"Are you okay?" Mikey asked.

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