Chapter 9: Awkward Tutoring

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*Virgils Pov*

I picked at my Alfredo, glaring up at the daemon across from me.

He twirled his fork around in the pasta and brought it to his lips. He chowed down on the pasta, almost mechanically. After a few seconds he swallowed, and gave a small smile.

"Most warming and delightful dish Ms." He told my mom. "Aw why thank you Logan! Please, call me Ann." She smiled warmly at him. He returned the smile. "Of course Ms.Ann."

I grumbled and stabbed a piece of chicken, twirling my fork some more.

"You ok Virgil?" Mom asked me. I looked up at her and nodded, sitting up from my slouch. "Yeah. Just tired." I said, taking a bite of the chicken.

"Oh. Well we can always wrap your plate and let you-" i immedielty nommed another bite of my food. "I ain't that tired!!" I said with my mouth full. I swallowed and smiled. "Sorry. But I'm not that tired for good food." I Told her.

Momma chuckled and ruffed my hair. I whined and shook my head. "Mom!! Company!!" I said, nodding to him.

She gave a small chuckle and leaned back into her seat. "So logan," She said, starting up some chit chat.  "What made you start tutoring? Are you in Virgils class?" She asked him.

"Well, actually I'm a part of a tutoring club by the local community college. Although I am in high school, I have excelled in some classes where I can go to college courses for them instead of the normal high school. I take extra science and math classes at the high school so I can refresh my mind on what they're learning at their level." Logan said, twirling more food on his fork but never eating it.

"Oh wonderful!! You must be very intelligent!! I bet your parents are proud!" Mom said.

"Parents?" He asked, looking over at me. My eyes widened and I looked at mom.

"Yes your parents." She said. "Well I only have a father." Logan said. "Mother abandoned us when we were younger, and my father takes a lot of trips for work. I'm often by myself."

Nom gave a small sigh of sadness. "Well you're always welcomed here!! Any friend of Virgils is a friend of mine!" She smiled.

Momma if only you knew what you just did.

Logan gave another smile. "I'll take you up on that offer. Happily."  He said, looking at me.

I squirmed in my chair. "Excuse me? Can I be excused." I asked mom.

"Of course!!" She said, taking my plate. "Go ahead and get ready for your tutoring." She said with a smile. "Let me know if you need anything." She said with a smile.

Logan nodded and stood up, taking his plate. "I'll help with the dishes while you set everything up Virgil." He said, going to the dishwasher.

I scowled and sulked back to my own room. I closed abs locked the door behind me. Maybe that would stop him? I don't know.

I ran into my room and grabbed the book. "Cmon Cmon Cmon!! Is there anything in this that could break this stupid deal?" I muttered, flipping through the book.

The words seemed to blur more and more the harder I tried to focus. It was making my head spin. I finally groaned and clammed it shut, pushing it down onto my bed and closing my eyes.

"Dammit..." I muttered, picking it back up. As much as I hated this book, I still had hope it could help me.

"Damn what?" I heard the voice from behind me. I turned around and clutched the book to my chest.

"Ok I know I didn't hear the door open!! How the hell you get in here?!" I yelled, pointing at his chest.

He raised an eyebrow and pushed my hand away. "Simple." He said, fixing his tie. "I'm connected to you. I have to protect you. Therefore, if I believe you may be in danger in a locked room, I have the power to be summoned by your side."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2021 ⏰

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