Chapter 8: Hanging with Friends! (PT 1)

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*Romans POV*

I waltz into the house, quite literally, Humming a tune as my mom and dad spoke up from the kitchen. "Welcome home Roman!" My dad walked over and we hugged. I kissed my mom on the cheek. "How have you guys been today?" I asked them. They smile and hand me an apron. "Just fixing lunch and doing work." He groans.

I smile and drop my book bag by the staircase, putting the apron on and washing my hands. "And your school day?" They asked me. I smile and raise my hand to show the bracelet Patton had made for me. " I made another friend! His name is Patton!" I said.

They exchanged a worried look. "Is he like...your other friends?" They asked softly. I felt my heart drop a bit. "No...he's different. And my other friends are still cool." I defended. My mother smiled as my dad went to chop onions. "Well tell me more about this Patton character." She said, grabbing some carrots and lettuce from the fridge.

"Well! He is a new transfer student! He is very kind and thoughtful! HE loves to bake and draw, although he says its not good I don't believe him. He is not very fit or fast but it sort of fits with his aesthetic. He is very small and can actually hop like a little bunny! You should see it its so adorable!" I gush slightly, a tint of rose blessing my cheeks.

Mom smiles. "I'm glad you've made a friend! He is the one joining us tonight right?" I nod happily as I start to shop some carrots. Mom smiles and pulls the lettuce leaves off. I cut carefully as dad cooks the onions. "Is it ok if he stays after dinner? Id like to spend more time with him as I'm doing my homework." I ask. They nod. "If he is ok with it so are we." I smile and continue to cut carrots happily.

About 20 minutes later I hear the bus come down our road and stop outside our house. I smile brightly and wash my hands again, going over and opening the door. I see Patton walk up the driveway slowly, looking around and checking his phone. "Patton!" I wave my hand to signal him. He turns his head towards me and smiles, walking up the driveway to the porch. "Hiya Roman!"

I pat his shoulder and move out of his way to the side. I wave my hand over the open doorway. "Please come inside! I hope your ride was enjoyable!" I Said. He smiled, his freckles giving him his own little shine. I walked beside him, gesturing him in.

He gave a small look at the doorway and stopped right before he crossed over the doorway. "Uh roman? Can your mom or dad come here?" "Why? What's wrong?" I asked, walking over. "At my old home, we had a tradition or rather a curse of doorways. You have to be invited in by the head of the household, otherwise, the negative spirits that cling in the world will come in and unpurrify the household." He said, looking up and smiling, giving a wave behind me. I turn and see my mother and father behind me, waving at him back. "Is this Patton?" My father says, walking over. "Why haven't you invited him in yet, boy?"

"He needs you two to invite him in. It's a tradition where he's from. Something about negative spirits and such." I say, looking at a blushing and shy Patton. My father extends a hand to him. "Well consider this your formal invitation, Patton.I'm Grant Huskin. Welcome to our home."

Patton smiles and takes his hand, crossing the threshold. "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Huskin." He turns to my mom. "And its  pleasure to meet you, Mrs.Huskin." He says. "The pleasure is all mine!"

"Oh!" Patton takes off his backpack and puts it down, unzipping it and fishing through it. "I have these for you all!" He said, holding out a box for father and single chocolate rose for mother. "I had these as gifts to give to friends today, but I didn't make as many as I hoped." He said softly.

Mother gave a small "Aw" Of sympathy as father opened the box "Its quite alright darling! You didnt have to give us this!"She said while putting the rose in the freezer. Father opens the box and smiles, holding out a rainbow flag pin. "Its very kind of you Patton. Thank you." He said, attaching it onto his shirt.

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