Chapter Four : Hiding Myself

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*Roman POV*

I was sitting with Patton during lunch. I found out that he was a pretty cool guy. He was very happy and energetic. He loved sweets and was a year younger than me, which made sense why I never saw him today.

He told me about the move over here, how it seemed easy and instantaneous.

"But enough about me. What about you?" He asked.

I smiled. "I am a Broadway and Disney enthusiasts. I love making different clothes and will one day rule Broadway."

"My My someone's ambitious!" Patton said happily.

I nod. "Certainly. I was born for the stage. It is the only place I can call home!" I said dramatically.

Patton nodded. "I heard there was a play here. Did you sign up."

I felt my heart drop again. "Yeah..."

"Did you make it?!"


"Yay!" He clapped his hands. He slowly stopped though. "You don't seem that happy or excited.

I sighed. "I just....I didn't get the part I wanted is all. It seems to be a pattern. I can never get the part I want, the one I yearn for, the one I work for tiredly and endlessly. Instead, I get background characters and a one shot character."

"A What?"

"They usually have one song to sing and leave or just appear for a small part. They're important to the story but not a big part."

"So what's wrong with that?" Patton asked.

"Did you not hear me? I don't have as much screen time! I didn't eat the part I wanted!" I say frustratedly.

"But you got a part. I bet most people wanted the main part. Some just got better than others. But if you're a one shot character, and still needed, then basically the show can't go on without you." He explained with a smile.

I lifted my head up. "That's....that's true."

"And the small characters make the show, I personally believe." He said happily.

I grinned. "Patton champ, you sure know how to make someone happy."

He grins. "I'm glad I-...." he froze and his smile slowly went away and his face went to one of worry.

"Patton?" I snap my fingers in front of him. "Patton. Padre?" I snap in his ears. I pinch his nose. "Pat!"

He jumps. "S-Sorry! I spaced out!" She said nervously, smiling again.

"You Alright?"  "Yeah! I just tend to randomly space out sometimes. It's not big deal. That reminds me!" He digs through his bag and pulls out two,"Friendship bracelets?" I look at them.

He nods and hands me the baby blue one. "Yeah! To show we're friends!" He wears the red one. "See? They're each other's color!"

I smile and put it on. "It is quite pretty."

"Roman? If....if I asked for you to promise me something, and it seems weird, would you still do it?" He asks nervously.

I squint my eyes but nod.

"Never take that bracelet off. Ever. Not to shower. Not to sleep. Never" he says in the most deadly serious tone I've ever heard.

I'm a bit taken aback from that. "Uh....May I ask why?"

"It's a tradition thing from where I'm from. These beads are blessed and will protect you from evil. I know it's weird for me to be this superstitious but-"

"It's like a security blanket right? Knowing I'm wearing it and you're new friend won't get hurt?" I finish.

His eyes light up. "Yeah!"

I nod. "Of course. I shan't ever take it off. Wait what if it breaks?"

"Text me". He hands me his phone number on a napkin.

I nod and the bell rings. "Welp. Gotta go capadre!" 

"Bye!" Patton waves as I leave. will be a good day.

*Pattons pov*

I watch him leave and give a sigh of relief. I take out a small mirror and check my eyes. "Ok. Good."  I get yo,grab my backpack and look around a bit.

"What on earth-" I jump and turn around, someone looking at me. "-is a half lung doing here?" He asks.

I gulp and stand straight. "I could ask the same for you."

"I was summoned. I had to put my mark on a young boy here who claimed me as a protector." He exclaimed.

I blinked and gasped. "Logan!"

He tilts his head. "Patton. It's....I see you." He said.

I smile. "Nice to see you too."

"Now answer my question. What brings you here?"

"Some boy wanted fame and fortune." I said. " so I took it".

"Are you allowed? Can you even mark him? Can you even collect a soul?"

"One. Yes I'm allowed. Half demon still means demon. Two. Yes. Not physically I believe but I ya e him a wristband of my scent and power formed into beads. If he doesn't take it off until I mark him he'll be fine. And Three....I don't know". I say honestly.

He nods. "So you're acting like a student?"

"Yep! You are too I see?"

He straightens his tie. "For now. I showed him my eyes and my mark and I do believe he's in shock. He just stood up and left with wide eyes."

I nod. "Well I hafts get to class. See ya logie!"

"Don't call me that!" He groaned as I walked away.

I looked at my bracelet. "As long as he wears it, the others won't get to him." I murmur.

I go into the class and sit down.

".....what does sexual reproduction mean?"

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