Chapter Six : Genuine Offer

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*Romans POV*

After lunch I headed to my next class. Gym. Not to brag but I was quite the built athletic type.

But I refuse to join sports teams. Most people get stage fright. I get athletic fright. Although I'll never admit it.

I see Patton walk in as well. I give a small smile as my friends walk over to me. I smiled and fist bump and bro hug them all. We all talk about random things. Well they do. I don't play much video games and such. Well except kingdom hearts. That game is my heart and soul right now.

Patton walks up in his gym outfit. "Hey pat!" I say, waving him over. "I want you to meet my friends." I say, as he bounces over.

You think I'm exaggerating? Nah man. He bounced. All the way. Like a small rabbit.

I turn to my friends. "This is my new friend Patton. He's new here."

They all smile and introduce themselves. Patton looked in shock and awe,but was still smiling and grinning from ear to ear. He shakes everyone's hand and when they hold out his fist to do a fist bump he like confused,making the same gesture and they fist bump. Like he's never seen one before?

The bell whistles and I turn,getting into line for the stretching.

Me and my friends chat as we stretch. Patton, being nearly a foot shorter, had to look up to everyone. Not gonna lie. Kinda cute how short he was,compared to others.

When it came to the running portion me and my friends maintained a stable jog, while Patton had a small struggle to keep up with us. Like a lost puppy. I slowed down a bit for him. "Hey." I pant.

He pants out his mouth. "Hi!"

"Breathe in through your make, out your mouth. It'll help later so you don't have pain." I smile at him.

He smiles and nods. "Ok. Go back to your friends."

I smile and pat his head,picking up my speed and going back to my friends. We pant as we walk and run.

It was only 10 minutes and it wasn't too bad. We got a chance to cool off before we lined up for dodgeball.

"You've played dodgeball right?" I playfully asked Patton.

He giggles shyly. "In a way...." he looks away.

I raise an eyebrow. "Ok? What's that mean?"

He smiled. "You don't wanna know...." he says quietly.

The whistle blows and I focus on the game,rushing in. I grab a ball and back up immedietly. I throw it and get someone out.

Patton has one and holds it, backing up. I smile. "You gonna throw it?"

Patton shakes his head. "No. Mine now."

I giggle.

"Roman!" Patton yeets the ball at me and I jump. I hear a clang in my ears and I turn, watching Patton's ball and another fall down.

I'm just....I'm gonna assume he shot the ball somehow....but HOW?!

I turn to Patton. He gives a small smile. "You're safe!"

I give a little laugh. "Nice!"

The game ends when our team wins. We keep fighting. And Patton grabs and claims every ball he finds, handing them to me and various players on our team, even rolling one over to the enemy when he was the last one.

I go and get a rag in the men's locker room, wetting it and putting it on my neck and face, scrubbing softly.

Patton came in after,panting. "You ok?" I asked him.

He smiles. "Yeah. Just not use to exercising a lot." He smiles.

"Well what are you use to?" I ask

He smiles. "I like....." he trails off. "To be honest I have no idea."

I turn to him. "Because of how I was...born....most people don't like me and I get made fun of a I stay inside a lot."

I look over the small boy. "....wanna come over?"

He looks up. "Huh?!"

I smile. "Wanna come over to my house for a bit? We can hang out. I got time."

He slowly moves his arm from his side. "You'd....hang with me? Willingly? Not a prank?"

I chuckle. "No pranks. No jokes. A genuine offer." I said. "It's not right to judge someone based on things they can't control."

He smiles. "I'd like that."

I smile. "Gimme a sec. Can I see your phone?" I asked.

He nods and hands it to me. I go to his notes and put my address in. I hand it back. "See if the bus will take you here." I smile. "This is my home. I'll let my mom know you're coming over,but feel free to walk on in."

He looks at his phone as though God had blessed it. He looks up at me with the biggest smile.

I open the door and we walk out to grab our stuff. We head out and have to separate for new classes. "I'll see you after school!" I said. "I'll try and text you during class!"

Patton waves happily. "By Roman!" He waves and walks away m,him and his backpack jumping as he walked.

I smile and go to my final class.

*Pattons POV*

I look at his address and I smile wider than I have in centuries. "I made a friend...a real friend." I smile,holding the phone to my chest. "He's so caring...." I slowly frown. "How will I be able to take his soul? How can I be that heartless?" I said softly.

I go to my next class and sit down. I'll worry about him later. For now....algebra.....

Satan had to take math too huh?

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