Chapter three : Creepy savior

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*Virgils PoV*

After math I go to gym. I hate it. Movement. Sweaty. It makes me wanna take off my jacket.


I mainly hate it cause my main bully is in the class. And if we have dodge ball today I am screwed.

I walk in and put my bag in the bleachers like usual and get in the line up for stretches.

The guy walks in,puts his stuff down, and gets right beside me. I bite my lip,trying not to groan.

We stretch our arms and he makes sure to smack the back of my head quite a few times.  We stretch our legs and he almost makes me fall by smacking the back of my knees. Our teacher sees it but she just tells him to stop.

We walk and run around the gym. He makes sure to dash around as fast as he can,shoving me whenever possible. At one point I actually fell, and he just continued on.

I got up and dusted my self off. The teacher yells for us to come back and we get in a circle.

"Today is dodge ball day. We will play a normal round to warm up, death match and then another normal one."

I hated death match. Once you were out you're out. And it's this guys specialty.

She splits us up and we're on opposite teams. Again. Yay.

She lays the balls out on the line and blows the whistle to start.

I hide in the back not wanting to go In For the balls.

The dude grabs like 3. He takes out 2 of our guys and he chucks one at me.

Now our gym isn't big by all means. It's pretty small. So he could easily get me like normal.

And he does.

He gets my leg. Although I go and move out he doesn't seem satisfied with that. And I'm surprised. I usually either get the gut, groin, or face. The leg was not the worse.

As I'm out and thinking of that, my wanders to this morning. Did that actually work? Am I protected a bit?

The round ends quickly and its death match time. Again I hang by the wall. He doesn't get any the first time and I just stand there,waiting to get hit.

He gets one a minute later and chucks it at me.

Dodge right

I blink and do that instinctively, the ball htting right behind me.

I get up and grab the ball,hugging it tightly. The guy is not mad. He is raging.

I look at the ball and start to shake. Why'd I go right? Did someone yell it at me?

Throw it as hard as you can

I hear it again. "W-What?" I ask the closest teammate. "What did you say?"

"I didn't say nothing." He yells and gets out.

And that's when I realize.

I'm by myself.

All the balls are on my side.

And I'm panicing.

There's 3 kids on his team

I look at the ball in my hand. "I just want to get him out. I'll be ok getting out if he is too." I think to myself.

I clutch the ball, yank my arm back and throw it as hard as I can.

And it sails over his head.

He smirks and I know I'm dead.

He turns for the ball and WHAM! His teammate socks him in the nose.

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