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I had decided against the body corn dress and wore a black and white skimpy dress

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I had decided against the body corn dress and wore a black and white skimpy dress. I paired it with my african style choker which has a hiden vile of poison ,if shit goes south and i lost my knives and gun i would at the very list use that .

Thandeka decides to invade my closet and wear one of my dresses ,not the dress i would wear to the club but whatever she's probably hiding a weapon store underneath it, she's always ready for war.

Thandeka  decides to invade my closet and wear one of my dresses ,not the dress i would wear to the club but whatever she's probably hiding a weapon store underneath it, she's always ready for war

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(Thandeka's outfit on the right.)

We head out to one of my clubs upon arrival we are hurriedly ushered to the VIP section and our drinks are saved right after.

I don't like to drink but Tkay keeps insisting that i loosen up and live a liittle. Since i dont feel like explaining myself i pretended to drink and pour same on the carpet when she's not looking.

After a few shots she ventured to the dance floor and i am left alone wondering what the hell am doing here.

Don't be fooled by my friends playfulness she is malicious. She is all sunshine and rainbows until its time to get down to business.

I watch as she grinds her ass on some guy.He looks scared more than excited maybe because am giving him the death glare ,i mean why not i like fear i feed off of it *evil inside laugh*

Getting bored scaring the poor boy i move my gaze looking around seeing people having fun and am bored out of my mind.

My eyes finaly land on the one person i have been looking for ,for quite a while his eyes widen when he meets my gaze. Finally something interesting happens i was going to faint from pure boredom.

He bruptly stands up trying to run for his life ,i quickly press the lock down button just under my chair .The exits and windows are bared by metal shields successfully extinguishing his escape plan. This is why this part of the club is reserved for us only.

The music dies down the windows and doors are shut.he is trapped and he knows it. Getting up from my throne i stalk towards him looking at him dead in the eyes ,i saw him tremble in fear.

I stood right before him and looked him up and down with disgust. A wet stain on his pants caught my attentionand there was a yellowish substance pooling beneath his feet. Did je just pisz himself?,wow i must be scary . I kept my stone cold gaze enjoying the sight in front of me. He is scared shitless and i love it.

He towers over me by a head and i don't like that. Getting on my tippy toes i whisper in his ear. ."guqa mfana wami umiphambi kwendlovukazi".(get down on your knees my boy you are standing in front of your queen)

He does as he is told,by now everyone is watching and i don't give two fucks about that. I mean i didn't do anything i just asked him to kneel ,why the fuck are these people looking at me like i just slit his throat so dramatic i tell you.

B.."Wabanjwa gudwanyana ubuthi kophelelaphi"(i finaly caught you little rat,how far did you think you could ran?)

Rat.."n.ngiyakucela angenzanga lutho.ngiyejabula nje ngiphuza utshwala "(p.please i beg you i didnt do anything.i was just having a good time drinking alcohol)

B.."hahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahhaha"i just laugh at this sorry excuse of a man

Rat.."uzongibulala kubuka wonke umuntu?"( will you kill me in front of so many waitresses) he questions with a smirk
(Wasn't he begging a second ago?)

B.."Cha angibabulali abantu mina..Bonogada mthatheni nimuse emapoyiseni..Thandeka ngilandele.."(i dont kill people *i answer him sweetly
*.Guards!.take him to the police ..Thandeka follow me ).
When he hears this he visibly gulps he knows i own the police.i call on TKay i know she is there .she is quiet but i know she is there.

The guards work for the mafia they know what i meant and took him to the cellers in my mansion.even if they took him to the police i wouldnt mind just answering questions and what not, annoys the shit out of me.

As soon as we park out side the mansion i get down to the cellers my heels clicking on the concrete.the door was left open considering he is chained to the wall .i kept my eyes on my price i feel myself getting angry thinking of his betrayal

B.."so my little rat what do you think we should do?.will you tell me what i need to know or does this have to get nightmarish?." (When am pissed i speak in English weird i know but whatever)

Rat.."i wont tell you shit!!.you will kill me any way..fuck you,you dark skinned monstrous pig"

well that last statement stabed right at my heart thinking how it was always the insult of the day while growing up. I wasn't going to take shit from him to.

B.."well yes that is true,but it was going to be a quick death and your family would have been spared the doom that i will bring upon them just because of that comment you just made about my skin colour"

His eyes widen in horror he knows not to mess with me i wonder why he is pocking a tiger.probably cause i called him a rat?.(sorry not sorry)

Rat.."a.aaa.awukwazi abana sandla kuloku kungani kumele bajeze a.aakubona ubulingiswa lobu"(y.yyy.you cant do that .they have no hand in this..why should they be punished?.w.wwwhere is the justice in this)
Buy the end of his statement i was fuming

B.."Thula!! Sdididi dini angifune kuzwa lutho oluphuma kulomlomo awakho onukayo.ke wacabanga ngobulunguswa ma ugijima uyompipa le kulabelungu phixhi phixhi ndini.ngizohamba ngiyolanda indodana yakho le oyithandayo .ngiyisusuluze ikhanda phambi kwakho ubuka..ngimhlinze iyibindi kugxagxaze igazi.elake igazi .uzokhala uze uyinyele ucele usizi ngeke ngaxola.angiwaxoleli ama menemene!!"(Shut up!.you stupid idiot i dont want to hear any thing from your stinking mouth did you think about justice when you were feeding infomation to those white people you back stabbing bitch.am going to go kidnap that beloved son of yours .I am going to behead him right in front of you .am going to slice his guts open it will be raining blood.his blood!.you will cry till you shit yourself .you will ask for mercy and you will have none.i dont forgive back stabbers.)

To say i was fuming was an understatement.Thinking about justice what about me?.what about my justice?.why did no one save me ?.Why did no on see my innocence?, I was pleading begging for help but everytime it fell on deaf ears.

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