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B"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh hahhhhhhhhh

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B"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh hahhhhhhhhh.am going to kill everyone ." l let out a pained cry and spoke through my sobs .

Boris"  don't be dramatic my little kitty. She is not dead i knocked her out .i shot her a little bit she is fiesty like you.i will fix that as soon as she is awake ,right infront of you.". Fucken shit faced, dog poop eating bitch ass motherfucker. Am going to skin him alive.

I jump to my feet ready to slice that poisonous toungue out of his mouth when i was held back by Thandeka. She put hand cuffs on me and tied me up on a chair next to my unconscious daughter,i didn't even fight back i could have snapped her like a twig but i was in shock. She betrayed me.

She actually betrayed me,the pain i feel right now is unimaginable. I want to cry but i won't let them see me weak

Danny was tied up next to me he was passed out too.i didn't even see when he was knocked out.

Zee,Zarah,Danny and i were sitted in a straight line tied up to our chairs. All of them were passed out exept for me . the pain of betrayal consumed me. She was just like a sister to me,how dare she.

A man came in and splashed ice cold water on us effectively waking up every one. They jolted awake tagging on their restrains.

B"hahahaha hahaha hahaha"i couldn't help but let an evil laugh slip though my lips.
"Bad move Thandeka.for your betrayal you will suffer a death more painful than theirs,am going to gut you like a fish patch you up and start again. In 10 minites you will all be cops laying on my feet bleeding crisom red satisfying my beast." My voice was an octive lower i let my demon out . All i saw was red . someone must die today.

Boris" What will you do little girl?,you are tiedup at our mercy look how many of us there are and you?. What do you have? ."

He sat there like the king of the world

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He sat there like the king of the world. With his old farts standind behind him . With their crusty suits looking like punk ass pussies. Am sure he felt invisible little does he know that the monster he helped create will be his end.

B"i don't talk to dead man .and you-,you are a little back stabbing ungrateful little twat!".
"Am going to burn you alive."

Tkay"i am were i need to be.i live by my leader and i will die peacefuly by them. That is a promise never to be broken" She said while hitting her chest were her heart is twice like king kong.

Zee" fucken double crossing,dumb ass mother fucken bitch!" Zee finaly spokeup and stomped her foot twice on the wooden floor. I know what that means.

I only blinked once and Black was out of her chair,hopped on the nearest guy shoulders quickly breaking his neck

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I only blinked once and Black was out of her chair,hopped on the nearest guy shoulders quickly breaking his neck.

She disarmed him and shot 4 man between thier eyes. We watch as they fall dead. The Boris wanker was frozen in the same spot standing there like a frightened like kid.

Out of the corner of my eye i saw Thandeka throw circle like blades directly at my detka my heart was in my throat as a screamed for her to watch out still trying to get out of my cuffs. I feel useless.

My daughter was hurt under my watch and i didn't do shit.Now am about to loose the love of my life but a can't do squat. I didn't care if i broke my wrists i had to help some how.
My baby caught the blades in both her hand just when they were about to pierce her velvety skin.

Black kept slicing though everything blood spraying her face. She had this crazed look in her eyes and a devilish grin. I got scared for a second ,seeing her in action made me admire her even more and i reminded my self never to get on her bad side.

I finaly broke out of my cuffs looking up to see that old fart Boris aiming the gun at my daughter and pulling the trigger with out hesitation i jumped infront of her and the bullet was logged in my shoulder, fuck it hurt like a bitch .

Black slides down the floor double slicing the back of his knees forcing him to drop his gun and clutch his bleeding wounds.

Every one was dead or either bleeding to death chocking on thier own blood. The horror before me introduced me to the women i loved. The real her,so dangerously brave and deadly.

She carefully dropped her blades  and grabbed the old man by his hair and cuffed him. *who brought so many cuffs here?.* . After securing the prisoner she checked on me and Zarah while Zee stood next to her like her shadow. Wait when did she get free?. I swear these women are magicians.

She went to Tkay who was standing at a distance with her head bowed in shame.
Black back handed her busting her lip open then gave her a hug. The hell? .

B" don't you ever make me feel like that again

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B" don't you ever make me feel like that again. I could have killed you stupid bitch. Why would you do that?"

T" am sorry my Queen I saw you struggle so i made a plan to get Boris to you. I made him believe that i was against you and gave him our location and he told me his plan. I didn't know he would go to my nieces room first. I just wanted you to be free. I knew when i spoke the vows  you would know that i would never go against you. I meant well"

What she said about living and dying with her leader was actualy a vow she made before taking the 2nd in command position. I knew then that she was playing them. She wasn't attacking me with those blades she was giving me my favourate toys .

B" i will deal with you later , Zoleka get  doctors to our location . Have our best on call doctors take care of Danny and Zarah. And have another one check on Boris. The wanker cant die yet , dont forget to lock him up "

Zee responded with a yes my queen and went out dragging a screaming Boris by the back of his collar.

I turn around and see Danill cradling a pouting Zarah while he fusses over her checking for injuries .

"Daaaaad" Zarah whines saying she was oky but Danny didn't care he just kept moving her around checking if shes oky.

A genuine smile makes its way to my face .I suddenly got dizzy. My vision got bleary and i saw black spots. Before i could hit the floor TKay caught me in her arms. Her loud  screaming for me to wakeup and for some one to help  is all i could hear before it all went blank. .

If i die at the very list my family is out of danger. The enemy has been neutralized. Finaly i can rest .

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