chapter 1.

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Kami's POV
Ding, ding, ding!

The alarm on my side table goes off loudly as usual... 'fuck, here we go again' I say in my head while trying to focus my sleepy eyes.

Another day, same old shit.

Those last weeks have been quite boring, I haven't been hired for any work, so I just trained every day to pass the time.

I can't really do much other than training and work, my family is very conscious of people who get around us.

I have a boyfriend, he doesn't know what my family and I do for living, we successfully got him to think that we are just rich entrepreneurs.

He is so sweet and innocent, he would die on the spot if he knew that I've already killed more than seventy people.

And he thinks that I'm an innocent girl as well, he always says that 'I couldn't even harm a fly', well that's true, I won't ever harm a fly...

...but I love killing people,

it gives me a weird feeling, whenever I kill someone I feel a hot feeling starting from my heart that goes down... my cunt.

Killing gets me horny,

seeing the fear the eyes of my target sends shivers down my spine,

hearing people beg me to have mercy on them always make me tighten my thighs in arousal.

I love the feeling of the cold metal of my gun against my skin while I get my stuff ready for a new work.

And on top of all...

I love the big deposits on my bank account every time that I get enrolled for a new murder.


9:30 a.m.

I collapse on the ground while trying to catch up my breath

looking around my I see at least twenty two knives, today was knives dodging practice.

As usual, not even a knife touched my body.

I move fast, I've only been hit three times in my life during my training, and it was always by my grandfather.

He is old but he still has a really impressive ability to kill and dodge shots.

I love him, he made me the strong killer I am today. I am so grateful to him.

While I start to breathe normally again I hear my dad calling my name from inside the house. I can recognise his voice tone...

a big smile explodes on my face,

a small laughter leaves my lips,

sparkles seems to shine in my eye...

..."Kami!" I can hear him screaming, "Come here, you have been enrolled in a new work".

I quickly get up on my feet, almost stumbling on my own shoes, and run towards my father's voice.

'Time to go get my bag' I think while heading to hear what I will have to do.

I'm finally getting back to work.

𝕙𝕚𝕥𝕞𝕒𝕟 • 𝓕𝓾𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓰𝓾𝓻𝓸 𝓣𝓸𝓳𝓲Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum