chapter 14.

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Warning: Mature content
Sexual content.

"Now, show me how sorry you are for making me mad." Toji whispers in my ear, while my legs are still shaking. My sex is completely overstimulated and I'm aggressively panting.

"Come on, princess, we just got started." His hands travelling on my thighs, pinching my skin. I can feel him hard on my ass.

"Fushiguro-san! The higher-ups need to talk to us immediately. Is Kami-san with you as well?" Geto's voice interrupts Toji grinding on me.

"This damn kid." Toji lowly groans, evidently angry that he will not get satisfied.

"Yeah, she's here. The fuck they want?" He answers Geto, starting to walk towards the door.

I get up from the bed, trying to act as if I wasn't on my knees and elbow for the past twenty minutes, even though my pussy is still dripping down my legs. I quickly clean my legs before joining Toji and Geto in the living room.

"Hey Suguru! How are you doing?" I politely greet him, with a kind smile.

"Hi dear, I'm doing fine and I hope the same goes for you." His usual soft smile greets me back.

I just nod at him, noticing Toji become more and more pissed off.

"So what?" Toji growls at Geto.

Suguru takes a deep breath before speaking, "Someone is after us" He starts, closing his eyes, "Actually, to be correct, someone is after you, Kami."

"What?" Toji and I confusingly ask at the same time.

"It's very lucky that you slept here at Fushiguro-san apartment tonight, because there's a sniper peaking at your window."

My heart skips a couple of beats, is there really someone who's trying to kill me?

"How do you know that? Toji asks, his words break the tense silence in the room.

"We have several cameras all around the building, we saw a couple of men entering her apartment tonight but leaving after not finding her."

"Kami, I know you're shocked right now but don't worry, we won't let anything happen to you." Geto reassures me, with a smile.

"I'm not scared, I'm... confused."

Toji looks at me with pure concern in his eyes. "Do you know who it might be?"

I shake my head, after thinking about it. I know very few people. "So what now?" I ask Geto.

"The mission can't go on. This person could be anywhere right now, they could even be listening to us right now. We're going to leave tomorrow morning, and until then you will never be alone. The higher-ups don't underestimate the name of your family in Japan, so they know that someone really big may be targeting you and we can't let anything happen to you. We're very lucky to have here Fushiguro-san, I'm sure he will accept to help me make sure you're safe." Geto explains carefully, softly smiling to me and Toji.

"I don't need this idiot to defend me, I'm strong enough to be alone." I answer to Geto, pissed of that he thinks I need Toji looking after me.

"Shut up, brat. Now ask me politely to keep you safe." Toji smirks instead, the fact that Geto asked him to protect me fed up his ego.

"If I had my knives on me you would be dead." I scoff, sitting on the couch.

"The one who's risking to die here is you, though." Toji mocks me, making Geto laugh too.

"Okay. I will look after her. You can go. Bye." Toji says nearly pushing Geto out of the door.

"Are you worried, sweetheart?" Toji asks me, wrapping his strong arm around my shoulders and taking my body close to his chest.

"Not really, it's just... I'm worried for my family, I hope they're doing good." I say, crawling in his arms.

"Knowing that they went in my apartment makes me feel sick in my stomach, I wonder what would have happened if I was there." I confess him, speaking very low kind of hoping he doesn't hear me.

Toji just holds me tighter, making it clear to me that he heard what I said.

"I need to clean up, my panties are still wet." I tell him, trying to hold my laugh.

Toji loudly laughs, letting me out of his hug.

"I'm going to get some clothes from my apartment, I'll be back in-" I start but Toji interrupts me before I can finish.

"I'm coming with you." He opens the door and gets out of the apartment before me, walking towards my door.

"That's not necessary, I can stay by myself."

"You're really annoying, open the door and hurry up."

"Calm down you idiot, are you in a rush?" I respond him, opening the door.

We both stop talking when we hear a noise coming from the bedroom, it was a really light noise but very well audible to killers.

I try to take a step to get inside but Toji puts on of his arms in front of me, stopping me from getting in.

We're disarmed, this is not a ideal situation. If there's really someone inside, I'm pretty sure he will be armed and waiting for me.

Toji takes my wrist and, without saying anything, walks us back to his apartment. He realised that we need weapons too. He quickly grabs his uzi from the luggage he has in his hall, then he hands me one of his other guns.

"You stay behind me, I don't want to hear you say anything." He commands me, his eyes dead serious. "They want you, and they probably want you alive so I don't think we will get shot." I nod, charging the gun in my hands.

We go back to my door, Toji enters first, walking slowly to not make any sound. I walk behind him, covering his back.

The window in the bedroom is wide open, probably the intruder left when he heard us entering the first time. After checking the closet and the bathroom, I start collecting all the things I have i the apartment. While I grab various clothes and stuff, Toji never takes his eyes off me, following all my movements.

"Stop staring at me." I warn him, while closing my luggage.

"Talk to me nicely, kid. I don't like when you put up that attitude with me." He says, getting up from the bed where he was sitting.

"Are you done?"


"Okay. Let's go." Toji grabs my luggage, this time waiting for me to walk first out of the apartment. He took this thing of protecting me very seriously.

"Thank you for taking my luggage." I shyly thank him when we get back at his apartment, I actually want to thank him for being so attentive towards me but I'm too proud to do that.

Still Toji somehow understands what I'm really trying to tell him, "I won't let them do anything to you, baby girl." He reassures me, kissing my forehead.

𝕙𝕚𝕥𝕞𝕒𝕟 • 𝓕𝓾𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓰𝓾𝓻𝓸 𝓣𝓸𝓳𝓲Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora