Chapitre 2 : Unexpected Meeting ~ Identity Searching~

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Chapitre 2 : Unexpected Meeting ~ Identity Searching~ (Part I)

Huiru started to cry when she recalled her memory of her parents and her home. Even though she was in the ancient setting not for a long time, she felt that the time here was tickling softly with every minute felt like a year. She already missed her modern self and started to appreciate and grateful on every little thing she had back in the future. She secretly apologized to her parents for being unfilial to the extent that she would accept with no objection to marry a husband of her parents' choice. Suddenly, she heard a male voice – a familiar one which made her stopped crying and turned her head to look at the owner of the voice.

"Feng Qiqang! What are you doing here?"

The young man who resembled Dr. Feng Qiqang startled and said," Feng Qiqang? Who's Feng Qiqang? I'm your fiancé, Wei Deming."

"Wei Deming? My fiancé?" Huiru said while shot a puzzled look at the young man who was wearing a dark blue robe with sky-blue sleeves. He had his hair tied high on his head with extravagant ji, while letting some of his hair fell down behind his back. He was also holding a paper fan in his hand. A typical rich or scholarly look for young men at that time~

"What's wrong with you, Lingguang? I've never seen you look so daze and confuse like this. Is the marriage preparation bothering your head till you've lost your mind?"

Huiru was in doubt as she was questioning herself whether she could attack this young, rich man with her curiosity. She needed information to answer her uncertainty about her whereabouts, but at the same time she did not want to appear as someone who had just lost her mind, moreover to a man who was soon to become her husband. Oh, wait! How can my future husband be this womanizer? Even worse, this bad attitude of his is passing through his generations!

"Wei Gongzi, I'm not sure why, perhaps the burden of marriage preparation is too much on me, hence I feel like my mind is deteriorating. Mind to help me answering a few questions?"

Childe Wei gave the young doctor furrowed eyebrows coupled with mystified facial expression, which explained to Huiru that he was in dubious.

"Oh well, if you don't have the intention to help your fiancée, then just drop it."

"Drop it? What do you mean?" asked Childe Wei, sounded misapprehension as he tried to interpret the meaning behind such unfamiliar, weird words.

The young girl flashed him with a deep glance, her small mouth was opened to spill out words but somehow, they were stuck as if being halted in her throat. Fixing his gaze onto the girl who looked tongue-tied, Deming decided to continue his talking.

"Er, what I mean is...You've never call me Wei Gongzi. You always call me Deming Ge Ge ever since we met 11 years ago."

Huiru was perplexed about what to do with the situation. If this went on, she might end up being called as crazy and even might resulted in total confinement in her own room and losing her chance to find ways to return back to her original world if her parents decided to call the marriage off. She stayed quiet for some times before Childe Wei approached her and held her hands. Huiru still kept her composure and did not bring her eyes to look at the young man, excruciating Childe Wei deep into his heart.

"Lingguang, do you really can't remember about you yourself, your family, not even about me? "asked Childe Wei with an unsettling tone of voice.

Huiru pushed Childe Wei's hands away from hers harshly and turned her body to face backwards at her future husband. Sensing that the young doctor was mad at him, Childe Wei quickly moved his body to stand directly in front of Huiru.

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