Trust Your Instincts (penelope x reader)

673 4 0

Word Count: 1,215

Warnings: just fluff

Summary: While spending time in your parent's cabin for the weekend, you come across something so beautiful and delicate


One of the best ways to escape from your job and the horrors you see daily is spending time with the person you love the most. Your parent's cabin was free for the weekend after a huge case, and you could tell that Penelope needed a break from what she had been forced to watch. This particular unsub liked to capture young men, tie them up, and film what he did to them. In order to understand where he was, Penelope had to watch the videos over and over as she paid attention to the background and the tools he used. She tried to ignore the men screaming and the pain, but it was always present in the front of her mind even on mute.

When you suggested that you two stay in your parent's cabin, she pulled out her go-bag so quickly, you knew this vacation needed to happen sooner rather than later. Upon arriving at the place, you two took a three-hour nap while you enjoyed the silence. No coworkers urging you to get up, no noise to bother you, just woods, peacefulness, and the calming sounds of nature. It was truly heaven when you woke up next to the love of your life; she had looked so peaceful and calm in her sleep.

There wasn't a lot to do in terms of activities, but there were some hiking trails that were easy-going, a lake perfect for swimming, and a hill that overlooked the entire area. The only thing you two forgot to get before coming here was food since escaping was the only thing on your minds. There was some stuff here that weren't perishables, but a food trip was something you two desperately needed.

"I can run out really quick. I'm usually super fast at these because I never want to be there. Plus, we both know your grocery trips usually last three times the amount you expect," Penelope laughed as she grabbed her purse.

"You right," you laughed loudly.

"I will be back very shortly my love," she smiled as she pecked your lips before heading out the door. Now all alone in the cabin, you looked around as memories from the past began to come back to you. Every summer, your family would come out here to enjoy a few weeks away from the world, away from your problems. It was a nice way to bond with each other, and it was a good way to find yourself.

Often you would find yourself on top of the small hill as your family would participate in some activity that you refused to participate in. As you sat upon the hill, you would watch with a smile on your face as the sun seeped into your pores. Your surroundings would be so peaceful, you were able to find yourself within it. It's why you love coming here as often as you could. There was a piece of you that you left behind every time you left because you knew how great it would feel when you were finally reconnected with that part of yourself.

As you were walking around the house, soaking in every feeling and memory, you spotted movement outside the back door. Penelope had just left so you knew it wasn't her. Upon arriving at the spot, you saw a wild deer sniff around for food. Based on her size, she looked to be pregnant, and you knew the food wasn't going to be for her. Thinking quickly on your toes, you reached into your go-bag and pulled out some snacks that you packed before coming here. Apples, carrots, and pears were some of your favorite things to snack on, and you knew that the deer would love it.

After cutting up the food, you opened the back door as quietly as you could. The deer, upon hearing the noise, perked up before dashing into the woods in fear. Knowing she would be back if you were to stay still, you took a seat on the back steps of the porch as you waited until you could see her.

"It's okay, I won't hurt you. You want some food for you babies?" you asked as you waved a carrot stick as bait. The deer weighed her options: it was either trust the human for food for her children, or it was trying to find another source of food which could take all day. The deer put her nose to the ground as she sniffed, barely inching forward. As you were patient with the animal, you let her come to you at her own pace while sitting perfectly still. As soon as the deer was close enough to your hand, and she gathered that you weren't going to hurt her, she stuck her mouth out for the carrot.

"It's okay baby girl," you grinned as you fed her the carrot which she ate graciously. She came closer once she knew you weren't a threat, and she ate a few slices of the apple from your hands. Grinning from ear to ear, you didn't dare try and pet her because you didn't know how she was going to react. After all, she is still a wild animal. Taking baby steps, you held pieces of the pear in your hands as she snatched it with her teeth.

"What are you doing?" Penelope gasped once she saw you outside. The deer perked up at the new noise, and she dashed into the woods in fear of your girlfriend.

"I was feeding the pregnant deer."

"She is a wild animal! You could get hurt!"

"Yeah, I could, but she's just looking for food for her children. I would have already been hurt if she wanted to hurt me. Come here, try feeding her. You have to be very still," you said as she hesitantly walked to you.

"This isn't safe," she whispered.

"I wouldn't ever put you in direct line of harm, would I?"


"Then trust me. Come on, you'll love her," you grinned as Penelope took a seat next to you. IT took some time to get used to the second presence, but the deer eventually found her way back to finish the rest of the meal. Penelope was stiff the entire time as the deer ate from your hand, and when you placed an apple slice in her hand, she silently gasped. The deer sniffed the air around her before eating the fruit from her hand.

"Oh my God, this is really happening," Penelope freaked.

"Isn't it amazing?" you asked.


"Alright this is the last of it," you said as you handed her the last carrot stick. She held it out once she was more comfortable with this activity, and the deer ate as quickly as she could. Once she figured out there was no more food, she got out of there as soon as possible.

"That was scary."

"I was here the whole time. It was fun," you grinned as you locked arms with hers.

"Maybe a little," she laughed. Resting your head on her shoulder, you two sat there like that for a while as you observed the nature around you. This weekend will be one of the best ones you've had in a very long time.

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