The Better Man (s.r)

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Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader

Warnings: fluff, minor angst

Summary: You're a single mom who hates bringing men into your life only to have them leave. Your daughter deserves better than that. You're currently dating Spencer, and you're wondering if it's the right time to bring him into her life. Will it be worth it?


I can do this. I'm more than capable of getting breakfast ready for both me and my daughter. Even if she is screaming her head off. Oh, please be quiet. Please make it stop.

"Gemma, please stop crying. I am getting your food." She continues to cry. "Baby, please. I'm working as hard as I can right now."

If anyone were to look in your kitchen window, they would see a woman who is just trying to feed her child while looking like a raccoon with messy bedhead hair. The bags under your eyes don't help your case, either, but you haven't gotten much sleep this past week. Gemma has been sick and has been keeping you up at all hours of the night.

Sometimes you feel like a shitty mom because it seems like whatever you do isn't enough. Being a single mom is hard. No one told you how to do this. No one gave you a rule book and said, "Here you go! Study for the final exam!" where the final exam is actually having a kid. You're doing the best you can do even if it doesn't feel like it.

Before you can start crying because Gemma is crying, you plate some bananas, cereal, and small strawberries on a plate for her. She immediately stops crying when the food is in front of her, and she digs in. You chuckle tiredly and kiss the top of her head. She is getting so old. It seems like yesterday you birthed her when really, it's been eight months.

Your phone rings and you light up at seeing Spencer's name.

"Hey," you answer.

"Hey. I'm off this weekend if you want to hang out."

"I don't think I'll be able to get a sitter," you sigh. "I'm pretty low on money right now."

"That's fine. I don't mind if you bring her along. I understand if you don't want to, but I'm really great with kids. I'd love it if she came along."

You and Spencer have been seeing each other for a few months but he hasn't met your daughter yet. You don't want to introduce her to someone new if they're not going to be in your life for very long. You really like Spencer and you hope he's going to be in your life for a long time. He's been very patient when it comes to your daughter, and maybe it's time they meet.

"Why don't you come over? I'd feel more comfortable having a date here."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I think it's time you meet Gemma."

"Okay, yeah! I'll bring some food over and we can cook together."

"That'd be amazing," you smile.

"I gotta go. I'll see you Friday."

"Okay. Bye." You hang up with a huge smile on your face. "You hear that, Gemma? You get to meet Spencer. He's a sweetheart. You'll love him."

She squeals in response but it's mostly because she wants more bananas. You're not worried that she will love him, it's if Spencer will love her. You can't think about that. You have work to get to. The call center you work at has a daycare attached to it for parents who can't get someone to watch their kids, so every day is Bring Your Daughter To Work Day.

The weekend comes faster than you expected but that means Spencer gets to come over. He might even spend the night if all goes well. When Spencer comes over, he is nothing but sweet towards Gemma. She is playing in her playpen but as soon as Spencer walks in, she squeals and crawls over to him.

"Spencer, this is Gemma. Baby, this is Spencer." Spencer grins and picks her up once she gets to him. "I've been trying to get her to walk lately. She turns eight months next week."

"Hi, Gemma. Do you want to walk for Mama? Yeah, I can see it. You'll get there," he chuckles.

Spencer brings in the groceries he bought so you two can cook lunch while Gemma plays and watches Spongebob. While you don't know how to be a single mom, and learning every day to be better, you'd rather do this than be with the ex who knocked you up. He left you when you were pregnant so it's just been you and Gemma for a long time now. It's hard to let men in your life, especially with a kid so young, but Spencer has been nothing but a complete gentleman to you. He takes things at your pace, never does anything to make you uncomfortable, and always puts you and Gemma first.

Dinner is spent talking about your week and the plans you have this weekend and afterward, Spencer goes to the living room to play with Gemma some more. He's really warming up to her. Maybe this is going to be a good thing. Your phone rings and your blood runs cold when you see who is calling you. You excuse yourself and step off to the side while Spencer tosses Gemma in the air a few inches only to catch her. Her laughter makes this night all the better.

"What do you want?" you ask when you answer the phone.

"Hey, you got any money to spot me? I'm in a bit of a pickle," your ex asks.

"Are you kidding me right now? You call me up after how many months only to ask for money?"

"Can you do it or not?"

"Fuck no," you hiss on the phone. "This might be in your grand plan, but I want you to actually start acting like a dad and be there for Gemma. You know, the daughter you have?"

"You want? You want? You want? What about what I want?"

"You're a piece of shit."

"Fuck this. I can't believe calling you was ever a good idea."

He hangs up after those harsh words, and you try your hardest not to cry. He's fucking lucky you're not going after him for child support, but maybe you should.

"Y/N! Look!" You look at Spencer and Gemma to see her walking toward him on wobbly legs. "She's walking!"

"Gemma!" you gasp and rush over. "You're walking, baby!"

Before she can fall to the ground, Spencer scoops her in his arms and kisses her cheeks. She has no idea what is going on but she loves the attention. Spencer looks like he doesn't want to be anywhere but here. Seeing him with Gemma today has only made you realize that he's the only man you ever want in Gemma's life.

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