A Big Misunderstanding (hotch x reader)

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Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Female!Reader

Warnings: mentions of being tortured, your partner is killed because of it, your coworkers blaming you for their death, migraines, deaf in one ear, feeling less than by hotch, fluff at the end

Summary: You're a new transfer to the team without Hotch knowing about it You needed to escape harassment and tragedy from your other job, so Strauss places you as the new techy girl alongside Penelope. Everyone welcomes you with open arms but Hotch, and it's starting to affect your physical health.


This is it. This is the first day of your new career, new life, and hopefully with a new family to call your own. The last one didn't end up so well for you. You're hoping to start something new with all new people and a brand-new attitude. You walk into work with your purse slung over your shoulder and enter the bullpen. There are so many people busting their asses, moving about the large area, and doing work at their computers. A black man walks past you with coffee in his hand, and you quickly stop him.

"Hi, where can I find Agent Hotchner?"

"Up the stairs. His office is right in front of it."

"Thank you," you smile and walk past him.

Agent Hotchner is sitting in his office looking over one of the files Spencer sent over to him when you knock on the door.

"Come in." You knock again when you don't hear anything. "Come in."

This time you do. Hotch is floored by your beauty when you walk in but he remains stoic. He doesn't want to give away just how beautiful he thinks you are.

"Hi. My name is Y/N. I am here about the technical analyst position available."

"There is no position available. I'm sorry, you must have the wrong department."

"You're Agent Hotchner with the BAU, correct? I was sent here to start with Penelope Garcia."

"Who sent you?"

"I'm sorry?" you ask when you didn't hear him speak. You move your right ear closer to him so you can hear better. "Can you repeat that?"

"Who sent you?" he asks more sternly.

"Cheif Strauss."

Hotch doesn't say a word and picks up his desk phone to call the Chief. She never told him she would be sending anyone over, and he never requested for a new person to join the team.

"Hello, Agent Hotchner."

"Chief Strauss. I have Agent Y/N here saying she's going to be working with our technical analyst. Am I hearing this correctly?"

"Yes, I sent her over there to be transferred."

"Without talking to me about it?"

"I don't feel like I have to tell you everything I do. She will be joining your team. I assume you're perfectly capable of training her?"

"Yes ma'am." Hotch hangs up and looks at you with a sigh. "The team and I are meeting right now to go over a case. You're more than welcome to join us."

You bite your lower lip nervously. You hate coming across as dumb but you really can't hear what he's saying when he speaks in a low tone or mumbles.

"I'm sorry, can you repeat that?"

"I said you can join us. We're about to be briefed."

He gets up and walks out of his office with a hard look on his face. He hates himself for thinking you're so beautiful when he's going to be your boss. Dating you or even thinking about dating you is inappropriate, so he'll try to keep this as professional as possible. You haven't even started your first day and you're already off to a bad start. Still, you chalk this up to a rough start and follow him into the briefing room where the rest of the team is at.

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