Never in a Million Years (mgg x reader)

568 7 0

Word Count: 742

Warnings: fluff

Summary: Something truly unexpected happens at your first time at Coachella, something that could never happen in a million years... only it does happen and it happens to you.


"I have been waiting for this moment for a long time!" you grinned as you bounced in your spot in the crowd, waiting for your musical idol to show up. Ariana Grande was scheduled to perform at Coachella this year which every one of her fans called it "Arichella" since she was one of the main performers. It has been your dream to see her live and to go to Coachella, and luck had it so that you could do both.

"We're going to get some food, okay?" Bethany, one of your friends said as she linked arms with your other best friend, Marlee.

"You're not staying with me?"

"We're kind of hungry. Have fun, though," Marlee smiled before they left your side. They weren't big fans of Ariana, to begin with, but you didn't mind. The fact that they were here with you was all you could ever wanted. Plus, you three would go to other concerts once hers was over–concerts that all of you could enjoy. Shrugging, you turned back to the stage who was currently getting ready to have the singer perform. Everything was great if you hadn't been so short.

Being only 5'4", you had the disadvantage of arriving a tad too late which meant you got stuck behind really tall people who were clearly over the height of 6'. Sighing, you stood on your toes to see the stage, but even then, it wasn't any better, and you weren't going to stand on your toes the entire concert.

"How y'all doing tonight?" Ariana announced as she walked onto the stage.

"Shit come on!" you groaned as you only got a glimpse of her. This wasn't how you pictured the evening going, and the group of men standing in front of you was only making things worse. If you were going to try and at least enjoy the evening, you would need to speak up and try to get to the front in order to see. Reaching out, you tapped on the man who was closest to you, the man with the shaggiest of hair. Once he turned around, your eyes widened in recognition.

"You're that actor in Newness and Life After Beth. Matthew isn't it?"

"Yeah, those are some of the things I've been in," he chuckled. Of course, you watched Criminal Minds religiously, but you wanted to throw him off by mentioning some of his other movies. Spencer Reid was your favorite character, and Matthew has become a sort of a crush in your life. A crush that was just a fantasy up until this moment when you got to stare at him in the eyes in person. "Did you need something?"

Oh shit, yeah, you did.

"Look, Ariana Grande is my favorite singer in the entire world, and I'm too short to see past you and your friends. Do you mind if I moved up?"

"Yeah, go for it," he smiled as he motioned to his friends Shemar and Daniel to move out of the way for you. Blushing slightly when Matthew placed his hand between your shoulder blades to guide you forward, you realized that the spot in front of them wasn't any better. Matthew could see your discomfort at not seeing the celebrity, and he thought you were super cute in the way you got frustrated.

"Not having any luck?" he asked.

"No, thanks for letting me in front of you though," you shrugged.

"This is completely random, and feel free to call me a creep and leave, but you can sit on my shoulders if you want to."

"Are you serious?" you asked with an unbelievable smile.


"I'm not going to be too heavy for you?"

"No, come on," he smiled as he bent down so you could place your legs around his head. Never in a million years would you think you would get the opportunity to wrap your thighs around his head, and it's not even the situation you've imagined plenty of times.

"You're so weird," you giggled as you did what he wanted you to. He gripped your thighs before standing up, and you had to clench your thighs and place your hands on his shoulders to keep yourself from falling.

"You okay up there?" he laughed once he was situated.

"Yeah. I just met you and you already have your head between my legs," you took a big step as you flirted with the man. 

Matthew could only laugh as his hands rested on your thighs. With the new height given to you, you were able to see Ariana perfectly, and you had your camera on her the entire time. Daniel and Shemar whispered to one another as they gave looks at their friends, but Matthew just shut them up with a glare of his own.

"No fucking way," Marlee gasped once she saw her friend in the crowd. Bethany swiftly turned around to see what her friend was staring at when he gasped as well.

"Come on," she said as they both scrambled to get up to go to you in the crowd. As soon as they approached you and Matthew, you could tell by the smiles on their faces that you would endure so much teasing once this was all over.

"What is this?" Marlee asked as Matthew turned to face your friends.

"He's helping me see Ariana."

"We can see that," Bethany laughed.

"Look, we're going to see if Childish Gambino is on," Bethany said since he knew he was one of your favorites as well.

"Go without me. I'm good here," you grinned as your eyes slightly widened. Matthew grinned as his grip on your thighs tightened, and you knew he liked your answer.

"Have fun," Marlee sang as they left the crowd.

"You know, if I'm going to have my head between your legs for much longer, I should know your name," Matthew said as he looked up at you.

"Y/N," you grinned as you leaned down closer to his ear.

"Well, Y/N, I think I owe you a date for this."

"I think you do," you grinned. 

Never in a million years would you think this is how you met your future husband.

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