Fend For Your Life (jj x reader)

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Pairing: Jennifer Jareau x Female!Reader

Warnings: plane crash angst, everyone on board is dead but you, survivor's guilt, sewing yourself up painfully

Summary: You're going on a solo mission with two SWAT members to save victims you don't know are alive in a country you've never been to before while the rest of the team searches for the unsub. JJ, your wife, eagerly waits for your arrival back home... but that never comes.


This is the biggest mission you've ever been on while at the BAU. The unsub is kidnapping young women in Florida and taking them to a remote location somewhere in Cuba. Your mission is to go to Cuba and rescue the victims (however many that may be) and bring them back home. You'll be going with two SWAT members while the rest of the BAU works to hunt the unsub down before he snatches another girl.

Your team profiled that the unsub is in Florida right now based on the airport traffic. You'd given the sketch to all airports in Florida, and one of them stated that someone like that came through not that long ago. It'll take you an hour to get to Havana where you believe the unsub is holding his victims, and you're only going on a rescue mission so you don't need other agents with you. Plus, you'd have two SWAT members with you, so you'll be okay.

"Someone should go with you," JJ says as you prepare for the flight.

"Baby, you know we need everyone on the ground here. This unsub is smart. The fewer agents we have trying to get him, he could get away. I'll be fine."

JJ bites her lower lip in concern, and you prepare to walk over to her. You reach up and remove her lip from between her teeth. She sighs heavily and looks you in the eyes.

"You know I worry."

"JJ, my love, I will be okay. I'll return home with however many hostages in no time. The flight is only an hour." You pull your wife in for a kiss that will ease her concerns. She always feels better after one of your kisses. "Be strong. I will be okay."

"Please be careful," she whispers.

"I always am."

She and Hotch escorts you to the plane that's waiting for you where the pilot and the two SWAT members are.

"Remember, get the hostages and leave. We don't know if this unsub has partners or not. We don't know what's happening over there."

"Hotch, you're gonna scare my wife," you chuckle. "I will be fine. Just focus on getting the unsub. He's here somewhere. I have faith in you."

"Good luck," Hotch nods and leaves you and JJ alone.

"Promise me we're gonna take this weekend off and get a hotel or something."

"I promise. You can pick whatever place you want. I gotta go. I love you."

"I love you."

You kiss her quickly and get on the plane. She waits until the door is closed before returning to Hotch who is in the car. As you said, the flight only takes an hour, and there is no issue with getting there. The Havana Police meet you at the airport and guide you to the location where they suspect the unsub has taken his victims. The run-down warehouse is located in a remote part of town where the only people that come here is to buy fish and make illegal deals for a multitude of things.

You're the lead agent on this team so you're responsible for what happens to every single person with you. The Havana Police wait outside while the two SWAT members go in first. They secure the room before allowing you inside, and you hold your gun out in front of you protectively. This place is big so you have to sweep it from left to right and not miss a single room.

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