Make-up Morning

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The next morning after all of the drama happened between Joe, Lana and Nicholas, Nicholas didn't say a word to Joe. Not a single "good morning" or any expression other than a straight face on the outside and 100% anger on the inside. Then as Joe slowly woke up, he realized that Nicholas didn't speak to him. "Hey, Why Aren't you talking to me Nicholas?" Joe asked with the confusion on his face, seeing Nicholas's visible body language. "so you're just gonna ignore the fact that you hooked up with someone you barely knew, and that person you barely knew, hit me with a microphone in the head" Nicholas replied to Joe. Joe, with amnesia, had no idea what happened last night because of the hangover. "Well im sorry if any of that happened, but what did i do? Like not whoever i was with last night, but what did I do?" Nicholas realized he didn't have a valid reason and that he was only jealous. But he knew that if he ditched Joe, he might never see him again and he'll be left lonely. "Actually... Stay, Its all good and alright nothing happened." Nicholas told Joe. With a Cup of Coffee in his hand, Nicholas put some clothes on, and rode his Bike to the city. Joe was left all alone at the house and he knew that Nicholas was mad at him so he had to do something.

since day one, Nicholas told Joe that his favorite recipe is apple pie. So Joe, Like a friend to make up for is mistakes, decided to do exactly that. He got out all of the ingredients and started mixing, adding and baking. The whole process took about and hour and a half to create, so Joe was lucky he had time on his hands. Then Nicholas came back home and saw Joe standing in an apron, with apple pie on the glass table. "Is that Apple Pie you made me?" Nicholas asked. "Yes" Joe answered. "Thank you so much babe- i mean um Joe, huh yea joe" "No worries, im really sorry about what happened yesterday" Joe explained. "Thats ok" And then Nicholas and Joe hugged and everything was all good again.

 "Thats ok" And then Nicholas and Joe hugged and everything was all good again

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