chapter 1

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"Kirbs, please slow down, this is dangerous."

"Oh come on Y/N this isn't dangerous just...exciting."

I roll my eyes playfully while smiling. I was sitting in the backseat thinking about life when I felt like we almost hit someone. I look out the window to see none other than sheriff Riley.

"Told ya! Dangerous!" I exclaimed at her. She just shrugged and laughed it off. Once we got to Jill's house Jill got into the car. They started to talk about Trevor till Olivia came. She said Trevor called her and shit like that. I zoned most of that shit out, I never really liked Trevor. I only tolerated him because he dated Jill. But now that he cheated on her I am so going to throw this in his face every now-and-then. I was brought back in when Jill called my name.

"What?"I asked. She rolled her eyes and sighed. "I said did you get a mysterious call last night?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion but answered anyways. "Nope but if I do, I will tell you guys."

She nodded and they all started to talk again. And that is when I realized that today is the day that my favorite final girl, SIDNEY PRESCOTT, is coming back home. We soon got to school, parked and then got out of the car. We started walking till we got stopped by one of two of my favorite horror geeks in this world, Robbie Mercer. He walked up to with his video cam and I swear he never goes anywhere without it. I tried to tell him that it was unnessicary to have it and that nobody will want to watch a horror geeks life, but he was so determined to have it and left it at that.

"Oh this is a hall pass with Robbie mercer Here with Olivia 'Don't look at my tits. I have a mind' Morris. Here is my Woodsboro massacre anniversary question....What's your favorite scary movie?" He obviously meant that as a joke but Olivia being the personal fun loving bitch she is, had to reply back. I stopped listening to the rest of the conversation. Looking around to find my utmost favorite person in the world, My eyes lit up and my smile grew wider. I ran up to him and wrapped my arms loosely around his neck. "Eek..Charlie-bear!"

"H-Hi gorgeous. How are you?"

I giggled at his stutter. You see Charlie isn't very popular and never really had a girlfriend. So I'm his first. I absolutely adore this ball of Horror and will do anything for him. Even if it would kill me. I kissed his cheek and answered his question. "It was great but I am happier now that I have you with me." We clasped each other's hands and walked back to the group. Everyone started to talk but I zoned out for what seemed like a third maybe fourth time today? Only for some-who-knows-what reason I had a bad feeling about not just today but this week as well. I was brought back to reality when the bell rang. So I kissed Charlie goodbye and waved to the others and went to class. You see, I do not share most of the classes with the others. I am in all honors classes. Yay me. I went to my locker and grabbed my shiz and walked to class. Honors history was what I had. I honestly love history. I feel Like History is important. Like; okay so if hypotheticlly We were to have a WW3 then we would know from all previous wars that certain weapons and plans would or would not work.  

Well anyway, Half an hour into class and everybody's phones start to go off. The teacher then began to lecture us all about how phones should be turned off, but no one listened, I honestly wish I did. There was a news report saying that 2 teenage girls who go to Woodsboro high were murdered last night. I couldn't take it so I grabbed my bag and ran out of the classroom straight to my home. I didn't care if I had to walk. I didn't care if I was skipping school. I just wanted to be alone. I ran to my room once I got home but not after slamming the door shut. I flopped on my bed and cried.

                                 THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING AGAIN!!!

A Killer and a Lover (Charlie Walker x reader love story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora