chapter 5

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I ran to the back porch and saw the door closed. I ran to the door and banged on it. Where the hell is everyone when I need them. I heard a rustle in the bushes and froze. I slowly turned around and saw nothing. I looked back in front of me and saw ghostface right at the door. I screamed and he jumped through the door and tried to stab me. I struggled and started to fight back. I kneed him in his dick and he leaned off of me due to the pain. I took this as my chance to get away. I got up and ran back to the front door. The door opened and Kirby saw me. I ran into her arms and hugged her. I sobbed and saw Sydney Prescott. "Guys the killer got Robbie and tried to kill me. we have to go." I pulled Kirby with me and the two females protested. I turned around and was about to walk out the door when I saw Robbie. I screamed and slammed the door shut. We then all ran down the basement locked our selves in and stayed quiet. That was until someone banged on the patio doors. I jumped to see Charlie. I was about to open it up for him when Sydney stopped me. Saying that we shouldn't trust him. "We have to let him in. He could get killed. Please?" At this point I was a sobbing mess. I knew what happened between him and Kirby but I still love him. I don't want him dead. She shook her head and comforted me in a way. "We can't if we don't trust him we can't let him in." I didn't respond. I only moved closer to the door and continued to cry. I put my hand on the door. "Please N/N let me in. This is Robbie's blood. Please." I was about to say something when Kirby spoke first.

"Get away from the door Charlie." She pulled me behind her and spoke to him. I covered my ears and sat on the ground, closed my eyes and started to count to ten. I remember Robbie had taught me that if I distract myself with counting up to a high number, While panicking, Then I will calm down. But that was when the lights went out and went back on to show Charlie taped down to a chair. I stood up and ran to the door. I fell to my knees and cried. Kirby's phone went off, She said it was Charlie's number. She answered it and Sydney said she was going to look for Jill. Kirby and the killer started to talk. Only for her to hand the phone to me afterwards. I understood why and grabbed the phone. "H-hello?"

"Oh poor Y/N, It must be hard to see you're boyfriend in this position."

"Please Let him go. Take me instead. please."

"No you see this is much more fun. seeing you squirm and cry when your boyfriend needs you the most. It must be hard. Your mother didn't put up much of a fight either. but you- now you can put up a fight. So I want you to run and if you do than maybe Just maybe I will let Charlie go. Okay?"



I dropped the phone and told Kirby that I have a plan. I ran up the stairs and out of the basement. I started to run to the kitchen looking for a weapon. I saw a chef's knife and grabbed it. I then went up stairs and walked as quietly as possible to the masterbedroom. I closed the door and locked it. I ran to the window and began to climbed out of it. But before I can go I heard Sydney. I climbed back into the room and ran out into the hallway and saw Syd. I ran and hugged her. "Where is Kirby?" I looked at her confused. I thought she would be up here with Charlie by now. I shrugged and shook my head. signaling that I didn't know. "She was supposed to meet up here with Charlie." Syd nodded and went down stairs I walked down stars only to get stabbed in the leg. I screamed and fell down the stairs. I felt a hand roughly grab my arm and drag me to the kitchen. I was then dropped to the floor and looked up to see Jill in the ghostface costume pointing her knife at Sidney and Charlie. 

"Ugh what the fuck?" I feel a pain in my side. It feels like I just got kicked. I moaned and groaned. Why does this night gotta suck so much. Why couldn't I just have stayed at home. Oh wait my mom Was supposedly killed so I would be dead either way. huh. Funny. "Shut the fuck up Y/N" Jill yelled at me. I wish I could kill her. Give her a taste of her own medicine. Charlie pulled Trevor out of a closet and pushed him to the floor. He then gave Jill a gun and I started to freak out. Jill then went on to saying how 'Trevor was the killer and how he was the remake version of Billy Loomis. She pointed the gun at Trevor and shot him once in the crotch. I winced at the sound. I never really liked guns. Reason being it was what my dad used to kill himself with. He shot himself in the head. Trevor than began to beg her to stop only to have a bullet put into his head. I screamed. Oh my god, This is how I am going to die. I am 18 and I will die on the floor in the kitchen of Kirby's home on the night of the killers big reveal. Jill pointed a gun at me and cocked it. "SHUT UP." I flinched and began to whimper. I scooted away from her only to hit the back of a chair. "You know Y/N I never liked you. You were always to....... what's the word? Weak. You would always cry over the smallest thing and would just hide behind everybody. Yeah you had your moments where you were great to be around but you were always the one that was pushed around. And you seemed fine with it only i'm not. But hey we can't all be strong can we?"

She then shot me in the side and I gasped. I began to breathe heavily and pressed my hand over the wound to keep from bleeding out. Charlie then started to speak about how he was Randy then Kissed Jill. I wanted to cry over that and sure I was heartbroken. Heartbroken that he never really loved me like he said he did. But I had a lot more  pressing matters to take care of. I stood up shaking and tackled Jill to the ground. I started to fight her and tried to get the gun from her but she rolled on top of me and stabbed me in the stomach. I screamed and pushed her off of me. I then grabbed the knife and pushed it over to Sidney. I got kneed in my side and gasped for air. I started to scoot towards the wall and felt a huge amount of pain on my right. I winced and opened my eyes to see her pointing a gun at me. "Wow Y/N I knew that you had fight in you. you just had to be pushed. Just wow! But all good things have to go. Sorry not sorry." A gunshot went off and everything went back.

Charlie saw as Jill shot Y/N in the head. He winced at the sound of her skull cracking. He knew she had to die but it didn't mean he liked it. He really did love her, But he also wanted to be famous. So he put fame above her. He then got himself ready and Jill started to explain to him that he needed to be still and steady. What happened next scared him. He was stabbed in the heart. He coughed up blood and Turned to look a her. "The heart? That's not what we rehearsed." Jill then leaned away from him and Sydney spoke. "You said it yourself Charlie. Just like Billy and Stu. Trevor and You." Jill interrupted her. "What the media really likes baby is a soul survivor." Charlie fell to the ground. He felt betrayed and scared. he laid there just waiting to die. So he can see his little N/N again. So he can hold her and kiss her in the afterlife. He bean to see dots cover his vision and than everything went dark. Charlie walker was now known as dead.

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