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"Ugh what the fuck?" I feel a pain in my side. It feels like I just got kicked. I moaned and groaned. Why does this night gotta suck so much? Why couldn't I just have stayed at home. Oh wait my mom was supposedly killed so I would be dead either way. "Shut the fuck up Y/N" Jill yelled at me. I wish I could kill her. Give her a taste of her own medicine. Charlie pulled Trevor out of a closet and pushed him to the floor. He then gave Jill a gun and I started to freak out. Jill then went on to say how 'Trevor was the killer and how he was the remake version of Billy Loomis'. She pointed the gun at Trevor and shot him once in the crotch. I winced at the sound. I never really liked guns. Reason being it was what my dad used to kill himself with. He shot himself in the head. Trevor than began to beg her to stop only to have a bullet put into his head. I screamed. Oh my god, This is how I am going to die. I am 18 and I will die on the floor in the kitchen of Kirby's home on the night of the killer's big reveal. Jill pointed a gun at me and cocked it. "SHUT UP." I flinched and began to whimper. I scooted away from her only to hit the back of a chair. "You know Y/N I never liked you. You were always to........ what's the word? Weak. You would always cry over the smallest thing and would just hide behind everybody. Yeah you had your moments where you were great to be around but you were always the one that was pushed around. And you seemed fine with it, only I'm not. But hey we can't all be strong can we?"

She then shot me in the side and I gasped. I began to breathe heavily and pressed my hand over the wound to keep from bleeding out. Charlie the started to speak about how he was Randy then Kissed Jill. I wanted to cry over that and sure I was heartbroken. Heartbroken that he never really loved me like he said he did. But I had a lot more pressing matters to take care of. I stood up shaking and tackled Jill to the ground. I started to fight her and tried to get the gun from her but she rolled on top of me and stabbed me in the stomach. I screamed and pushed her off of me. I then grabbed the knife and pushed it over to Sidney. I got kneed in my side and gasped for air. I scooted to the wall and felt a huge amount of pain on my right. I winced and opened my eyes to see her pointing a gun at me. "Wow Y/N I knew that you had fight in you. you just had to be pushed. Just wow! But all good things have to go. Sorry not sorry." A gunshot went off and everything went back.

Charlie saw as Jill shot Y/N in the head. He winced at the sound of her skull cracking. He knew she had to die but it didn't mean he liked it. He really did love her, But he also wanted the fame. So he put that above her. He then got himself ready and Jill started to explain to him that he needed to be still and steady. What happened next scared him. He was stabbed in the heart. He coughed up blood and Turned to look at her. "The heart? That's not what we rehearsed." Jill then leaned away from him and Sydney spoke. "You said it yourself Charlie. Just like Billy and Stu. Trevor and You." Jill interrupted her. "What the media really likes baby is a soul survivor." Charlie fell to the ground. He felt betrayed and scared. He laid there just waiting to die. So he can see his little N/N again. So he can hold her and kiss her in the afterlife. He began to see back dots cover his vision and then everything went dark. Charlie Walker was now known as dead.

I open my eyes to only see the door, beds and curtains. I start to hear a beeping sound once my senses come back. I turn to my right and winced at the pain just to see a heart monitor. I hear the door open and see sheriff Riley come in. I start to sit up and freak out. He came over to me and patted my shoulder ad calmed me. "Hey it's okay Y/N. Everything is safe now." I was calm but also wanted to know where he was. Was he safe? Was he even alive? "Where is he?" He knew who I was talking about. He knew that me and Charlie were a thing before. he looked at me with conflict and sadness. Why is he conflicted? "Charlie has a stab wound to the heart along with a stab wound to the gut. He-...He made it, But Y/N...He will have to go to jail for this. He was one of the killers." I nodded and told him thank you. He left and once he did I Started to rip off the IV's and cords. I calmly and quietly snuck out of my room to find Charlie. I eventually found him after a few good minutes. I walk into his room and see he is waking up. I ran over to the side of the bed, and there he was, awake in a hospital. I didn't wait for him to say anything. I rammed my lips onto his. After a while he kissed back. I pulled away and then I did something surprising.

"Ouch what was that for?" I slapped him. Did he seriously think he was going to get out of this unscathed. " you killed other people and you kissed not one but to of the girls I used to know." I whispered very angrily. He pulled me into a hug and caressed my hair. He planted a kiss on my head and pulled away. He started to rub his thumb on my cheek and looked into my eyes. "I know, baby. I said I was sorry and I still am." I pulled away and kissed his forehead.  "We need to get you out of here. I have an Idea on how to have you escape." He looked confused. And asked me why I was helping . "because although. You basically cheated and you killed people I still love you." he nodded and I told him the plan and we made it work. We snuck out of his room after I uncuffed him from the bed. I checked to see if anyone was in the halls once no one was there, Me and him ran to the stairs. We ran til we got to the parking garage. I saw an old beat up black car parked in front of the exit. I grabbed his hand and ran to the car. I opened the car and started to hot wire the damn thing. Once it started I pushed Charlie into the front seat and kissed him. "This is your only chance to go before someone catches you. I will stay here cause if I go with you I am an accessory to murder along with you." he nodded and got the car ready to go. he paused and looked at me for a bit. "I love you so much N/N (nickname)." I nodded with tears in my eyes and pulled him into a kiss one more time. "I love you most. Now go and don't look back." He nods and drives off. After standing there a few seconds I went back to my room. Once I got there cops and doctors were everywhere. I saw Gail and Sidney hurt. Mainly Sidney, she was bleeding like hell. Then Dewey had a mark on his forehead. I then saw something that I am proud of. Jill's dead body. I smiled to myself mentally. 'That bitch deserved to die'.

                                             5 YEARS

I am in college now and am Living with Sidney only because Jill killed my mother the same night she killed everybody at Kirby's. Ms. Prescott was nice enough to take me in and now she is sorta like a mother figure to me. I was in my room in the house all alone today. Sidney had her Job as an Author with Gail. So they had a meeting with a publisher today. I was sitting on my bed, on my computer watching My bloody valentine, When the phone rang. I went to pick it up and answered.

"Hello, who is this?"

"What's your favorite scary movie N/N (nickname)."

"Charlie-bear! I missed you"

"I missed you too. Look out your window."

I did what he said and saw him porched up on the roof. I opened it and hugged him. He pulled from the hug and kissed me. He was wearing all black and was very quiet. You see after I broke him out of the hospital I was questioned about it. They couldn't arrest me because they had nothing on me, but that didn't stop them from looking. I haven't heard from him since then. I guess even killers can love. This is Y/N signing off with one last thing. What's your favorite scary movie?

A Killer and a Lover (Charlie Walker x reader love story)Where stories live. Discover now