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"Ugh what the fuck?" I feel a pain in my side. It feels like I just got kicked. I moaned and groaned. Why does this night gotta suck so much. Why couldn't I just have stayed at home. Oh wait my mom was supposedly killed so I would be dead either way. "Shut the fuck up Y/N" Jill yelled at me. I wish I could kill her. Give her a taste of her own medicine. Charlie pulled Trevor out of a closet and pushed him to the floor. He then gave Jill a gun and I started to freak out. Jill then went on to saying how 'Trevor was the killer and how he was the remake version of Billy Loomis'. She pointed the gun at Trevor and shot him once in the crotch. I winced at the sound. I never really liked guns. Reason being it was what my dad used to kill himself with. He shot himself in the head. Trevor than began to beg her to stop only to have a bullet put into his head. I screamed. Oh my god, This is how I am going to die. I am 18 and I will die on the floor in the kitchen of Kirby's home on the night of the killers big reveal. Jill pointed a gun at me and cocked it. "SHUT UP." I flinched and began to whimper. I scooted away from her only to hit the back of a chair. "You know Y/N I never liked you. You were always to...... what's the word? Weak. You would always cry over the smallest thing and would just hide behind everybody. Yeah you had your moments where you were great to be around but you were always the one that was pushed around. And you seemed fine with it only i'm not. But hey we can't all be strong can we?"

She then shot me in the side and I gasped. I began to breathe heavily and pressed my hand over the wound to keep from bleeding out. Charlie the started to speak about how he was Randy then Kissed Jill. I wanted to cry over that and sure I was heartbroken. Heartbroken that he never really loved me like he said he did. But I had a lot more  pressing matters to take care of. I stood up shaking and tackled Jill to the ground. I started to fight her and tried to get the gun from her but she rolled on top of me and stabbed me in the stomach. I screamed and pushed her off of me. I then grabbed the knife and pushed it over to Sidney. I got kneed in my side and gasped for air. I started to scoot to the wall and felt a huge amount of pain on my right. I winced and opened my eyes to see her pointing a gun at me. "Wow Y/N I knew that you had fight in you. you just had to be pushed. Just wow! But all good things have to go. Sorry not sorry." A gunshot went off and everything went black.

I open my eyes to only see a door, beds and curtains. I start to hear a beeping sound once my senses come back. I turn to my right and wince at the pain to see a heart monitor. I hear the door open and see sheriff Riley come in. I start to look around and sit up. he comes over to me and puts his hand on me to help calm me down.  "Hey it's okay Y/N. You're safe now." I sighed and then thought of Charlie. I wanted to know where he was. Was he here? was he in jail? Hell is he even alive? "Where is he?" Sheriff obviously knew Who I was talking about. He knew me and Charlie were a thing. He looked very perplexed and sad. why is he sad? What happened. "Charlie got a stab wound to the heart along with a stab wound to the heart. He-...He didn't make it ms. Becker." I nodded and told him thank you. He left and once he did I broke down. Why him? Why not me? Why not both Of us? Hell he could have gone to prison and I would be fine with that. At least then I would still get to talk to him and see him. I still love the bastard.

                                        5 YEARS LATER

College is great. I'm doing as well as a survivor can when they go through what I did. Seeing how I was stabbed and then woke up to only find out that me and Sidney survived while everyone else including my lover did not, That took a toll on me. "Hey Y/N are you listening?" Oh yeah did I forget to mention that not only do I go to college but I am also an assistant for Gail Riley. She is not as bad as she may seem. She is actually very kind. "Oh yes Mrs. Riley. I will go and gather everything you need for the publisher Gail"  I walk into my office gathering everything I need for a meeting with Gail's publisher when the phone rang.






"What's your favorite scary movie Y/N"

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