chapter 4

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Me and Kirby got out of the car and started to walk over to the Stabathon (a barn). I saw Trevor flirting with a few girls. I rolled my eyes and just thought to myself, 'He wants Jill to forgive him and date her again but yet he's doing shit like this.' When we got to the barn I saw Charlie and Robbie. I left Kirby to talk to Jill (who's on the phone), and snuck up behind Robbie. I covered his eyes with my hands and asked him a question. "Guess who." he knew who I was but played along and chuckled.  "Um...Jamie lee Curtis." I playfully rolled my eyes and giggled. I uncovered his eyes and faced him. "Uh- haha n-no. I wish I was like her though." it was his turn to playfully roll his eyes and sighed. he put a hand on my shoulder and gave it a reassuring pat. "Hey stop selling yourself short. You are the most beautiful thing either me and Charlie have ever seen. Okay N/N (nickname)."

I nodded and and gave my best smile."Y-yeah okay." Charlie came over and told us that he and Robbie need to start this badass of a movie festival. They got up on stage and started to get the ball rolling. "Cinema club, Thanks you for coming to our 3rd annual stabathon." Robbie than spoke in a funny feminine voice and I laughed. they walked off the stage and People started to cheer. Next was my favorite part, The movie started. I go and stand by Charlie and Robbie. I wrapped my arms around Charlie as I began to tease him. "So when does this girl get alone time with her Randy?" Charlie chuckled and turned his head down to look at me. You see here is the thing. Me and Charlie are tall and short. He's the tall one while I'm the short one. Let me give you a visual. he is about 5'4 - 5'6 and I'm 4'11. So I'm about up to his shoulders. "I don't know when does this girl want that?" he inquired.

I looked at him shocked. He would usually want to watch this type of stuff. he doesn't even like to be interrupted watching them. I cleared my throat and answered "Now if that's okay." He nodded and grabbed my hand. we began to walk to a secluded area when we heard Robbie call out to us. "Use protection, you two." we laughed and walked away. Let's just say he finally got laid and so did I. We layed there in a pile of hay just putting our clothes back on and getting stuff out of our  hair. I sighed with a smile. "That was.." I trailed off till Charlie finished the sentence. "hot."  I laughed at his wording on how the sex was. I nodded my head and turned to him. Only to see his nice toned back. he began to put on his shirt and I crawled over to him and help him button it up. "Yeah it was. Are you sure you were a virgin charlie? I mean I know I was but I swear that was seemingly....godly." he snorted and nodded. he then started to caress my cheek with the back of his hand. I finished buttoning up his shirt and looked into his eyes. "Yeah I was But Thank you for being my first. And you were amazing too. Especially when you're moaning and screaming my name."

I blushed when he said that. I playfully shoved him and start to get up. He began to laugh like a crazy person after that. We went back to watch the last part of the movie when the cops showed up and started shooting the place. Robbie came to us and started to inform us on what was happening. "Come on, we're going to Kirby's." I nodded and held onto Charlie's hand and ran to their car and drove off to Kirby's. Once we all get to the house everybody starts to talk about how they are all dead and how we are all part of a major crime. Charlie then goes on to say that no one cancels his movie festival and puts on one of the stab movies. the 7th one I think? We all started to enjoy it when Trevor came in.

I rolled my eyes and Kirby started to get aggravated. "Who Invited you Trevor." Trevor put his hands up in defense and gestured to me. "Y/N did." everyone looked at me and I started to stutter. "Uh No I didn't. I told you guys my phone broke weeks ago. And I don't have money to get a new one. And even if I did ,Which I don't, Why would you be in the contacts?" I huffed out. he came up to us and started to get all sarcastic. "Ouch that hurts." I about had it with him. I groaned and stood up from my spot on charlie's lap. "Ugh whatever. I'm going to walk around." I kiss Charlie's cheek and start roaming the house. I walk up the stairs and look around til I walk in on the master bedroom. There was a huge bed in the middle and a balcony on the right side of the room. I flopped onto the bed and never felt more at home. I mean I knew fucking Kirby's parents made a lot of money but never knew it was this much. I fell asleep a little bit but didn't get much because I heard something hit the window above the bed. I rolled my eyes and went to check it out. I walked up to the window and opened it only to find nothing there. Must have been a tree I thought to myself. I walked out of the room and went back downstairs. But what I saw down in the living room broke my heart. Charlie and Kirby almost kissed. 

"Unbelievable. Just perfect." I growled. this is just perfect. Just what I needed. my fucking boyfriend cheating on me the same night we had our first time together. Just perfect. If someone said I was mad that would be an understatement. I am livid. I swear if I was a cartoon character I would have smoke coming out of my ears and my face all red. I started heading towards the back porch when Charlie called out to me. "Wait Y/N" but I didn't stop. I held up the middle finger to him and walked off again to find Robbie. "Fuck you Charlie." Right now I need my best friend to cry to. I found him eventually and ran up to him and tapped his shoulder. He turns around to see me and asks what happened and why I was crying. At that point it was just then I realized I had tears flowing down from my eyes to my chin. I told him everything but after that was a blur. Seemingly out of nowhere the killer jumps out and stabs Robbie repeatedly. I scream and ultimately run. I mean I would stay and help but Robbie looks dead already. It's too late for him. So I'm not going to risk my life for an already dead man (literally). No offense Robbie.

A Killer and a Lover (Charlie Walker x reader love story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora