Like Real People Do

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~!~ Hello friends!! The last weekend of the celebration is upon us! :( But I have something very sweet (and slightly... odd XD) for you today!! The prompt for this was Mind. :) ~!~

Six months. Half of a year. Four of which he should have been awake for. Four of which he said he'd be awake for.

Aziraphale considered himself patient, but he was reaching his breaking point.

Or, perhaps he'd already passed his breaking point on the day Crowley said he'd be awake, and yet chose not to contact Aziraphale in any way whatsoever.

Nevermind that. It didn't actually matter when Aziraphale reached his breaking point, what mattered was that he had. And he was going to do something about it.

This was where it got tricky. All of his ideas of what he could do about the situation seemed a bit... drastic.

Many of them involved breaking into Crowley's flat, which felt a little rude. Maybe not as rude as sleeping for half of a year, but still quite rude.

Some were more centered around kidnapping the demon, but that felt wrong. Moving someone to a different location while they were asleep? He wouldn't want to frighten or discombobulate the poor dear.

This may have been part of the reason this had gone on for so long; Aziraphale was indecisive. He felt completely sure that he would take action, but when he actually considered the consequences of his plans... he felt the only option was to back down.

But he was so, very tired of backing down, of giving up.

He didn't know what to do.

Humans were allowed to see their friends by now. And they were. He occasionally saw them, when he chose to take notice of the world outside of his books.

Weren't they lucky ducks? None of their friends had wandered off to dreamland, never to be heard from again.

He sighed, considering whether or not demons could even dream. Then his eyes widened. If they could... Aziraphale could visit Crowley in a dream. That was something angels could definitely do!

Aziraphale searched through his long memory of time spent with Crowley, trying to think of any mention of dreams. His brow furrowed as he realized he had only ever heard Crowley speak of nightmares. Perhaps those were the only types of dreams demons could have, plagued with never-ending unpleasantness. He certainly hoped not. Crowley didn't deserve that.

He paused, considering whether it would be worth it to him if he entered Crowley's mind just to join in on some horrible scene. He quickly decided it would. If he was there, maybe he could help Crowley!

He closed his eyes, preparing to connect with Crowley. He pictured him, asleep in his flat, then mentally zoomed in further and further on the space right between his eyebrows. This was where it was easiest to enter human's minds, so Aziraphale hoped it would be the same for demons as well.

Before putting any angelic magic into his actions, he decided that if it wasn't extremely easy to enter, then he wouldn't press it. He didn't want to launch himself into Crowley's mind if he was unwanted there. That would be so much worse than breaking into his flat!

Then, nodding to himself decidedly, he added a bit of angelic power and pictured himself going through the space between Crowley's eyebrows.

Almost instantaneously, he found himself in the middle of a busy train station.

Well. That was easy. Easier than it had ever been with a human. Crowley was extremely receptive to him. Perhaps it was because of their deeply-rooted bond...

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