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I've barely written anything about my family.

And there's a reason for that—we're all crazy as fuck; I don't think I'm the craziest of them all, but I'm definitely on top 3.

Anyway, let me tell you what happened today.

My sister—she's one of the sanest of us all—basically decided to get out of the house and go live with my brother—the sanest, in my opinion. This happened because she couldn't handle the toxic environment surrounding her—more on that later.

My father was livid with both of them because, according to him, they defied his authority, and he'll get his revenge, so he decided to stop paying my sister's college tuition and everything related to her—meaning he's neglecting all his financial responsibilities as a father and giving them to my brother and his family—just to see them and everything they have worked so hard to get burn to the ground.

Yeah, he's that petty.

Now, I know there's a lot of stuff I need to explain, so let me start with each and every member of my family.

First is my grandma. She's the one that has like 80% of the wealth of the family—and there's plenty of it. But she has dementia. It's still in early stages, but that means she's unable to make any financial decisions, and that's why, when she started to suspect she was ill, she hired a lawyer and they both made a power of attorney to give one of my uncles—her all-time favorite one—the capacity to do anything he wants with all that wealth and properties and so on.

Also, when my mother died, she took care of my sister because she was just a baby, and that's why they see each other and mother and daughter.

Then is my grandpa. He has like 15% of the wealth. He's the most hypocrite and neurotic person you could ever meet. He's constantly stressed out by both big, small and imaginary problems, and he tries to solve them out acting nice and giving you money. He always says the last thing he wants is more problems, but most of the time he creates them or finds the way to get involved

And there's my father and my uncles, a bunch of immature, self-centered, good-for-nothing, assholes with a huge inferiority-complex—and I know that's very hypocritical of me, but believe me, I'm the most mature, successful and independent being ever compared to them—that have like 5% of the wealth and believe most of the family's wealth belongs to every single one of them, and they will end up killing themselves to get it.

Let's talk about a little bit more about them.

First, there's my father. He's the oldest of them, and he's almost as neurotic as my grandpa. He thinks he deserves everything in the world, so he's always—and I really mean always—complaining about everything. He's constantly looking for excuses to be miserable; he complains when before there's an issue with anything, when's it's happening, when it already happened, when it didn't happen but "imagine it happened. That would be the worst," and when he starts to imagine worst scenarios for that specific issue, like "imagine it happened in the middle of the night, or in the highway, or someone got seriously injured, or killed."

But he's constantly complaining for the money he has to pay for every single thing—except, of course, for all his daily compulsive buys, like shoes, perfumes, clothes, books and pirate DVD's, even though he would only use just like 5% of all that

Because that's the only thing he cares about. Today, when he was arguing with my sister, he told her if she got infected with COVID he'd rather let her die than spend his money with her treatment.

And he really mean it; he doesn't care about any of us. Last year, when my nephew—my brother's first son—was born, he refused to go visit him because, and I quote, "if I end up infecting him with COVID and he dies, my daughter-in-law's family would get mad at me."

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