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There's another elephant in the room. But first, happy Holidays and happy New Year and happy Valentine's. I had been a while since chapter XV, and speaking of chapter XV... no, nothing has happened in that regard, I haven't answered him bc I still don't know what to say, and I guess bc I'm too comfortable the way I everything is right now.

And that's the problem.

Anyway, what's happening in my life so far? Well, I recently bought an old PS4. Some guy was selling it on FB bc the needed the money and he didn't use it anymore—he told me he was an X-box guy. It came at the perfect time bc I've been craving to play some Dark Souls for quite a while. I've seen like, I dunno, three or four different gameplays from different Let's Players, and I've also watched a lot of another Souls gameplays, so... yeah, the PS4 was cheap and in great condition, and I just couldn't resist.

The first thing I did with it was to look for Dark Souls online, and I found out there was a physical collection with the three games and their respective DLCs at the same price than the digital versions—and I don't think the DLCs were included there—so I bought it. But it took too long to arrive, and I bought Bloodborne in the meantime.

It's pretty great, but not as hard as everyone says, but that maybe is bc I've seen a lot of those games, so I kinda know how you're supposed to play those games—don't waste stamina, dodge and/or parry at the right time, get it there, and I also know which stats to level up according to my build.

Or maybe it's bc I'm leveling up a lot, and my weapons are +10 now.

But I'm enjoying it either way; right now I'm exploring all the optional zones and labyrinths to get the most out of the game.

And I'll probably buy the DLC soon—if the game doesn't have it included already.

Anyway, about the elephant in the room: Funko Pops!

Well no, that's a different elephant in the room, but let's talk about it, shall we?

Don't worry; I'll be quick.

I had great sales on December and January—December was kinda expected bc it's December, but January was a surprise mostly bc that's the month when everyone is out of money, and that was the month I sold the most, like 140 figures in just 30 days. I was selling so much I started thinking seriously about looking for a place to live if things kept going like this.

But they didn't; I'm barely selling shit right now, so those ideas immediately plummeted away, and not only that, I started questioning how risky is to live this way; I mean, what if I start to live on my own, and then I start to have weeks like as bad—or worse than—this one? I'd have bills to pay, and I'd have to eat anyway.

Well, that's the risk of being self-employed. What the fuck did you expect?

Yeah, but, how does everyone deal with that like it's nothing? Can't they see they're inside a house of cards.

They probably do—and way better than you—but maybe they don't really have a choice bc it's either their dream or they can't stand an office job or something like that—which you should totally get.

It's just that I'm so used to live in a safer ground that I don't want to take a risk.

But you'll have to.


Sure, but that would only be when I'm making enough money to do so—no, when I'm regularly making as much as I made in January.

No, you'd still making excuses, you'd still be thinking about weeks as bad as this one, when you only sold like 10 figures.

Oh, god, I'm always gonna be a hikikoromi, right?

The day I became a hikikomoriNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ