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It's been a while.

There has been some stuff in my life, but I didn't wrote about them bc I didn't think it was worth it, like I didn't think they were actually that important. I tried to write them a couple times but it just seemed to me like I was just complaining—like I'm doing right now.

Anyway, I'm fine—I could be better, but I could be worse. My life, as you already know, is my Funko business and barely anything else. That hasn't changed a bit.

But I'm dangerously comfortable like this.

And speaking about Funko, right now I'm getting back on my feet. What happened? Well, I did a really dumb thing that didn't seem that dumb at the time, and I'm paying the consequences for that. And what was that dumb thing? I got a second loan.

So, with the first loan—which I'm still paying rn, but I don't mind that much tbh—I was able to buy a nice laptop to work with, and to invest and reinvest in a lot of Funkos. It helped me so much I decided to take a second one when I stumbled upon a really big lot of LOTR, even though I could just take that money from my savings. I knew my bills would increase, but I was earning so much money at the time, so it didn't seem like a big dead.

And it wasn't... for the first month or two. Then I started to use some of the savings I use to invest in new figures until I emptied them. That meant I didn't have money to buy new figures to sell, so I almost stopped looking for new ones, meaning my reinvestments consisted mainly of the ones I'd already preordered from an authorized distributor and wholesaler—which tbh I don't consider a good investment bc they're ones everyone has, so the market is filled with them, and that means customers see them everywhere, so they're not that eager to buy then, except if they're really cheap, which sometimes are bc some sellers get tired and just want their investment back, so the market price of those figures lowers, and there's a lot of times that you're not earning that much from them—there are times on which those pieces are on high demand (like the Demon Slayer ones when they finally arrived to Mexico,) so you end up earning a lot, but that's not very common.

In order to pay for those figures I was using all the money I was earning, sometimes a little more, and for everything else I was using credit cards. I've using them for quite a while, and I never had any interest rates or anything. Even when I was owing quite a bit of money and it was almost the closing date—or maybe a few days after, in some cases—I just simply used some of the saving I use to invest in new figures, and that was that.

But I didn't have those anymore.

Also, I had to pay for two different loans.

So, I ended borrowing some money from my life savings to pay for everything that needed to be paid.

And I was doing that more and more often. At that rate I would spend all the money I had saved in this year of Funko business (yeah, it's been a little more than a year since I started this. Crazy, huh.) The only thing I could do to stop it was to take a bigger amount of my savings and finish paying my loan. From there everything's coming back to normal (except there's a couple k's missing from my account, but I'm planning to get them back eventually. I'm even considering to finish paying the loan I still have to get another one in order to get that money back and have a little more to invest, and I know getting a loan in order to pay for what I lost bc of another loan seems the stupidest thing I could do—really, I KNOW—but I can pay one loan without sacrificing or losing anything, except for the fact that I would be harder to start living on my own if I already have a loan to pay but, let's be honest, it doesn't seem I'm close for that at the moment. If I was earning the same as January that would be a completely different story, but at least I know that's possible, so I just need to work harder this year.)

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