Whatever happens tommorow

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Ps:- strong language, violence, abuse.



"This is insanity & you know it" Kaz sat besides me. Lucas was busy drawing peacock feathers on my skin with the little amount of ingredients that we had, luckily before we left. I was able to collect some miniature bottles & stitch them under the garments of Nina & I. Matthias was busy sketching on Nina & Jesper on Inej.

"This is part of the plan" I murmured.

"This wasn't the plan" he exhaled.

"Well, you were the one who went loitering around not us, so, this is how the plan is going to go from now on" I told him "whether you like it or not".

Kaz was silent, he knew he had messed up the plan & he knew it was his fault & he knew I wasn't going to stop & he can't stop me. I was as stubborn as he was at the end of the day. Lucas just glanced at us once, he was surprised that I could easily shut Kaz Brekker down, it was a sight to marvel upon.

"Kaz, how are you & Matthias going to get through?" asked Nina "we might need you for locks, and if things go bad on the island, I don't want to be stranded. I doubt you can pass yourselves off as members of the Menagerie".

"That shouldn't be a problem" said Kaz "Helvar's been holding out on us".

"Have you?" asked Inej.

"It's not....." Matthias dragged a hand over his hair "how do you know these things, demjin".

"Logic. The whole Ice Court is a masterpiece of fail safes & doubled systems. That glass bridge is impressive, but in an emergency, there would have to be another way to get reinforcements to the White Island & get the royal family out" Kaz said.

"Yes" Matthias muttered "there's another way to the White Island. But it's messy." He looked at Nina "and it certainly can't be done in a gown".

"Hold on" Jesper interrupted "who cares if you can all get onto the White Island? Let's say Nina sparkles Mila location out of some Fjerdan higher-up, and we get to her. We'll be trapped. By then, the prison guards will have completed their search & are going to know seven inmates got out of the sector somehow. Any chance we have of making it through the embassy gates & the checkpoints will be gone".

"Helvar, how hard would it be to disable one of these gates?" Kaz asked.

"To get it open?" Matthias questioned.

"No, to keep it closed" Kaz responded.

"You mean break it?" Matthias shrugged.

"Yes" Kaz replied.

"I don't think it would be too difficult" I murmured as I looked at Lucas "your village gate, the one your uncle built".

There was a huge gate in Marina & Lucas told me that his uncle with the help of the village youths built that gate, so Lucas has knowledge about its mechanism.

Tatiana (S&B/sixofcrows)Where stories live. Discover now