Chapter 1

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It was just after the USJ incident, and Katsuki was at home looking at his phone. He had been texting the Bakugsquad Group Chat for hours now, but Kyoka hadn't texted once. She didn't even look at her messages. He even texted on her chat but still nothing. This was starting to worry Bakugou.

King Explosion: Has any of you guys seen Earpods?

Pikachu: I texted her but she ignored me

Hardy Riot: she's probably busy with stuff

Alien Queen: r u worried about her Bakugou?


Tape Spiderman: I think he's worried about her

Alien Queen: 😘


Katsuki sat up on his bed and turned his phone off. He set of down on his text not caring how it buzzed when they texted. He stormed downstairs and put his shoes on.

"Where are you going, Katsuki?" Mitsuki asked.

"To a friends," Katsuki replied.

"Okay, just don't take too long," Mitsuki said before leaving her son to do what he wants.

Katsuki ran out the door and stormed off to Kyoka's house. He knocked on it and awaited for an answer. He knocked again, but no answer. He knew they were home because of the car in the driveway and the lights were still on. He looked to Kyoka's room and saw the curtains were closed.

"Doesn't want to be disturbed, huh? Wonder what got her so down."

Katsuki knocked again on the door, and finally, Mika opened it.

"Hello," she smiled warmly at him.

"Hi, is Jirou home?" Katsuki asked.

"You mean Kyoka? She's home alright."

"Can I see her?"

"She doesn't want any visitors right now."

Katsuki grew angry at this and glared at her. "She hasn't been answering any of her damn texts!"

"She's probably ignoring you," Mika said. "She's mean like that."


Kyotoku walked down to check out what the yelling was. "What's going on?"

"It's this boy," Mika replied. "He's being stubborn."

"Listen boy, Kyoka doesn't want any visitors today," Kyotoku spoke and closed the door.

Katsuki slammed the door and started to walk away. He looked up at Kyoka's room and noticed her peeking out the curtain. When she noticed, she quickly closed it back up.

Katsuki noticed that Kyoka looked sad and he even saw a bruise on her. He tried to shrug it off and just go back home.

Katsuki went to his room and picked up his phone, looking at the messages again.

"KATSUKI!" Mitsuki stormed into the room and grabbed Katsuki.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT, OLD HAG?!" Katsuki yelled.

Kyoka sat on her bed and sighed. Her parents got mad at her again for some stupid reason.

So she did it again...

She couldn't wait for school tomorrow to get away from home. Kyoka sighed and pulled her knees up to her chest and sobbed silently.

The next day at school, everything was going normal. Katsuki looked around the classroom to see if Kyoka was there, but she wasn't. Katsuki started muttering things to himself, angrily.

"You okay, BakuBro?" Eijirou asked his best friend.

"DON'T TALK TO ME, SHITTY HAIR!" Katsuki yelled.

"Alright, something's definitely up," Eijirou said. "What's wrong?"

"NOTHING, SHUT UP!" Katsuki sat in his seat and sighed.

Kyoka walked in and sat in her seat next to Katsuki and Denki.

Katsuki looked over at Kyoka and it looked like she had been crying. She had some visible bruises as well.

"What happened to you, Jirou?" Denki asked.

Kyoka didn't say anything. She just looked down at her desk and sighed.

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