Not a Chapter

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Sorry, everyone. I haven't been on in awhile because of family stuff. I think you deserve an explanation for making you wait so long. I don't tell much people, but I think it'd only be fair... My family aren't the nicest people. They hurt me when I do something wrong and I'm not even allowed to eat. It's also hard to write considering that my dad had broken my arm not too long ago, and I've been forced to sleep in a dark, cold cellar (basement). The cutting problem also isn't helping with these stuff. I'll try to update more as I can but I might not be able to as much as I'd like until Goldie comes to adopt me in the summer.

If you're wondering, Goldie lives in the states in Arizona, I live in Canada in Winnipeg. He's driving all the way out here just to save me. He truly is a great friend/brother (not really brother but y'know).

Again, I am very sorry again for making you all wait.

Discord acc: Spencer H.#9245

If it doesn't work, just send me yours and I'll try it.

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