Chapter 4

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The next day, Katsuki woke up and put his U.A. uniform on. He walked out of the room and to the couch that Kyoka was sleeping on.

"Oi, Earpods," Katsuki threw her U.A. uniform at her. "Get dressed and let's head to school."

Kyoka sat up and rubbed her eyes. She looked around and remembered she was at the Bakugou household.

Once she was done changing, Katsuki walked into the room and looked at her.

"Alright, let's go," Katsuki said, dragging Kyoka outside.

As they were walking, the 2 walked in absolute silence. It was awkward, as either of them could've said something but decided not to. That is, until Katsuki broke the silence.

"So," Katsuki looked down, walking with his hands in his pockets. "Your parents won't mind that you stayed over, right?"

Kyoka's eyes widened, remembering how long she's been away. Her parents would be super pissed, and she'd get a beating of a lifetime. She didn't want to think about it, but she couldn't help it. It would probably be the most worst beating she's recieved yet. They wouldn't do something that bad, right...?


Kyoka snapped out of her thoughts as she heard Katsuki talking. She looked back at him and smiled nervously.

"Sorry," Kyoka looked down, nervously.

"Oi, is something bothering you?" Katsuki asked.




"Please say something,"


Katsuki sighed but could notice her becoming slightly red. He looked closer and saw that she was crying.

"Jirou, what's wrong?"

Kyoka looked away from him as tears fell from her eyes. "I-I don't want to talk a-a-about it..."

Katsuki stood in front of Kyoka and looked down at her.

"Look, Earpods," Katsuki said, pulling a hand out from his pocket to lift her chin up. She stared at him with teary eyes.

Kyoka pushed him away and continued walking. Katsuki grew angry at this but stopped himself from ranting, remembering that Kyoka was sensitive and she probably just needs her alone time. Katsuki sighed and continued walking with her.

Once lunchtime rolled around, Katsuki grabbed a food tray and walked to where the Bakugsquad was, noticing Kyoka wasn't there.. again. Katsuki looked around and signed.

"Where's Earpods?" Katsuki asked, angrily.

"I don't know," Eijirou replied. "She said she had stuff to do."

Mina created a heart with her hands and made kissy noises.

"Shut it, Raccoon Eyes!" Katsuki yelled and walked away.

Kyoka looked at her food and poked at it. She was lost in thought again and didn't notice someone who has just walked up to her. The person who walked up to her, picked her up and smirked, throwing her to the ground.

Kyoka grunted in pain and looked up at who just attacked her. Her eyes widened when she saw none other than... Yuri.

"W-what do you want, Yuri...?" Kyoka asked the taller boy.

"Just wanted to see how you were doing," He smirked and cracked his knuckles. "You look lonely. Maybe it's because you're ugly, but don't worry. I'll fix that for you." He grabbed Kyoka by her earphones and started pulling them as hard as he could. Kyoka grunted in pain, as she felt her earphones reaching their max limit. She was suddenly slammed against the wall and as she looked up, she saw Katsuki on top of the boy, keeping him locked up so he couldn't move. The other Bakusquad members went to go see how Kyoka was.

Kyoka looked up at them, and her eyes widened. She remembered the last time she had been slammed against the wall by her parents, they then walked up to her and beat her so hard. Kyoka curled up into a ball and put her hands over her head to protect herself. "P-please... Don't hurt me...! I'm sorry...!"

The Bakusquad members grew confused at this.

"What are you talking about, Jirou?" Denki asked.

"We would never hurt you," Hanta came next.

Katsuki pushed them out of the way and saw Kyoka, curled up on a ball in fear. "What the hell did you guys do?!"

Katsuki walked up to Kyoka and picked her up, cuddling her close to his chest.

"We did nothing! We swear!" Mina said.

Katsuki growled at them and looked down to Kyoka who was crying in his chest. She didn't know why, but she felt safe with him. She wanted him to stay with her forever.

Katsuki walked out of the cafeteria with Kyoka still in his arms, and out to the bathrooms not caring if it was the girls bathroom. He wanted to help her. He sat in the corner, still holding Kyoka.

"Shh, calm down," Katsuki said soothing as he stroked her hair gently.

"W-wh-..." Kyoka tried to talk but nothing came out. Her heart was still beating fast as she shook in fear.

"Tell me, Kyoka, what's wrong?" Katsuki asked as he lifted Kyoka's chin up to stare into his eyes.

"I-I-" Kyoka continued to cry as she tried to choke out some words. "I'm sorry..."

"For what...?"

"For tr-tryin-ng... To be-... A hero..." Kyoka cried even more and Katsuki held her closer.

"No, no, thank you, I'm glad I met you. You're the best thing to ever happen in my life."

"I-It just ruined everyone's li-live-... Lives..." Kyoka choked out, and continued to cry.

"Jirou, what do you mean...?" Katsuki asked, getting more worried.

Kyoka didn't respond right away. Instead, she gripped tighter to Katsuki as more tears rolled down.

"M-My parents... T-They didn't like the idea of having a daughter as a hero, s-so they s-sta-started b-bea-b-beating me... T-They wanted me to become a musician instead, a-and..." Her eyes widened as she realized what she was saying. "I-I'm sorry, I said too much!"

"No, N-no," Katsuki couldn't believe what he just heard. The girl of his dreams has been getting abused everyday by her parents just for something she enjoyed. She was too good at hiding her pain, but she wasn't good at smiling. He should've asked her why she never smiled, or at least realized what she was going through. She's been coming to school with some bruises and cuts but not too much, but than again... She wears sweaters alot, which probably hides her pain. He slapped his forehead in annoyance, angry that he didn't recognize this sooner.

Kyoka quickly got up and ran out.

"Wait, Ji-" Katsuki stood up and just stood there. He couldn't let he go back to that hell of a house. He could've just let her stay with him... Or be could've told Shota. He sighed and walked back to class.

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