Chapter 7

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It's been a couple years since the drama with Jirou's family. Shouta had decided to take Kyouka in and look after her, and eventually, Katsuki and Kyouka got married. They're now 28 years old with 3 beautiful children.

Haruta Bakugou is the oldest son. He's 8 years old. He's protective of his siblings and would do anything to save them. He inherited his father's powerful Quirk, and has some anger issued as well.

Next we have Chiyo and Chika Bakugou. The twins who are 6-years-old. They look up to their older brother, and look identical. Sometimes Katsuki has trouble telling them apart. They look like younger versions of their mother but they have blonde hair instead. Their happy children and inherited their mother's Quirk, along with explosions from their earlobes.

Kyouka groaned as she opened her eyes a little, feeling someone pulling at her earphone. Kyouka rolled over and saw Chika.

"Chika, what do you want?" Kyouka asked.

"It's morning! Wake up!" Chika whined.

Kyouka chuckled a bit and sat up, noticing Katsuki was gone. "Chika, where's Daddy?"

Chika smiled brightly and ran out of the room. Kyouka took this as an indicator that Chika wanted her to follow so she did. Chika stopped in the kitchen where Katsuki was making some breakfast.

Kyouka raised an eyebrow, looking at Katsuki. "You cook?"

Katsuki turned to see Kyouka staring at him. "Uh, yeah."

"Never once in my life have I seen you cook," Kyouka said while putting Chika in a chair next to Chiyo.

"I asked Chiyo to go get you because breakfast is done," Katsuki replied.

Kyouka looked at Chika and Chiyo. "Chika."

"Whatever," Katsuki said.

Kyouka giggled a bit and sat down in her own chair.

Katsuki walked over to the table and put down the plates for them so they could eat, then took his spot next to Kyouka. Breakfast was a little quieter than usual, as everyone was in their own deep thought. Chika looked towards Chiyo and bopper her twin on the head with her fork. Chiyo glared at Chika and yanked her earphone.

"Girls!" Katsuki yelled. "Don't attack each other!"

"She started!" Chiyo said.

"Doesn't mean we hit her back," Katsuki replied.

"Sorry, Daddy . . ." Chiyo said while glaring at Chika.

Kyouka leaned in and kissed Katsuki's cheek, smiling as she looked at everyone. Their family was truly wonderful. Not perfect, but hey, who is perfect? Katsuki ruffled Kyouka's hair causing Kyouka to glare at Katsuki.

"How many times do I have to tell you to not do that?!" Kyouka yelled.

"Sorry, but I can't help it," Katsuki said before adding, "you're too cute."

Kyouka blushed and looked away. "Not that cute."

Katsuki chuckled at his wife's reaction.

Haruta gagged at all this lovey dovey stuff but the twins had heart eyes, enjoying this.

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