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Namjoons POV

Moving into a new town was rough. Meeting the new guy Jungkook was fun though. We all seemed to get along. Riverwood wasn't a super popular town and I didn't expect any villains for a while. We would hang out at our house waiting for any news, we would watch movies together and go get food together seeing as there was no villains to worry about. We went to a Cafe on this day and when I walked in a saw the most handsome man ever.

I never was interested in love before but I felt a connection to him. I stared at him for a bit till I felt someone pull on my sleeve.

"This way Namjoon." Jungkook says pulling me to sits by him.

"What was up with that?" Jhope teases.

"He's handsome that's all" I mumble putting my head down.

"What would you guys like to eat today?" I hear a angelic voice say.

Jimins POV

"What would you guys like to eat today?" I hear an angelic voice say.

When I look up I see a beautiful boy looking down at me. My heart starts to race and I feel my face heat up. This boy looks so perfect and innocent.

"I'll have a Cheeseburger!" Jhope says happily going first

"I'll have a steak" Namjoon says lifting his head up.

"Uhm I'll have a steak too." Jungkook says.

I look at Jungkook and he's staring at the waiter. I can want to look again but I'm worried I'll look like a tomato or that I'll do something stupid.

"What about you?" The Angel says touching my hair.

All the hair on my skin stands up and tingles shoot through my body. My stomach seems to be doing knots and my face is definitely red.

"Uhm I'll uhm.. the same as them" I say avoiding shuddering the best I can.

The Angel giggles, "alright that will be right out." He says removing his hand from my hair.

I look up at him before he leaves. My body is still in shock but I miss his touch. I look over to Namjoon and Jungkook. Namjoon put his head back down and Jungkook seems to be thinking, his face is red as well. I look at Jhope and he just looks bored.

"Taeeeee" I hear a guy whine.

I look over to the voice and it's the guy Namjoon was looking at. Namjoons head is now up and his eyes are focused on the boy.

"Yes Jinnie?" The angelic voice says walking out to Jin.

I finally look at that table. Tae is the waiter and my Angel, Jinnie is the boy Namjoon was staring at, and there another one. The last one seems sleepy and is wearing all dark colors for clothes. He has super pale skin as well. None of them seem to be dating each other. Jinnie is just talking to Tae.

"Jin let the poor boy work" the other guy says

"But Yoongi! Tae is my child what if he gets hurt." The boy Jin says

"I'll be okay Hyung!" Tae giggles

God his giggles are killing me. I look up and see him walk back into the kitchen I miss seeing him and I miss his voice. I sigh and look back at the table. Namjoon is back to staring at Jin. Jungkook seems upset now too and is looking down at the table. Jhope is looking between us and the Jin and Yoongi at their table.

"We should go talk to them, it's clear you all want too." Jhope says to us

"That sounds great actually." Jungkook says pushing Namjoon up and forcing him to walk over.

I smile and follow Namjoon and Jungkook. Jhope quickly runs up to the table of Jin and Yoongi.

"Hello! I'm Jhope! What are your names?" He says happily introducing himself.

"Jin, Kim SeokJin." Jin says looking up at us.

"I'm Jungkook." Jungkook says poking Namjoon so he goes next.

"I am- I'm uh- I" Namjoon says trying to finish his sentence.

Jin looks up and stares at Namjoon. Namjoon eyes stay on Jin for a while, "I'm Namjoon." He says not taking his eyes of Jin.

"And I'm Jimin!" I say before looking over at Yoongi.

"Who are you?" Jhope asks, as if he didn't over hear their conversation.

"Doesn't matter" Yoongi says looking up and Glaring at Jhope.

Jhope and him stare at each other for a while silently fighting it seems.

"I'm sorry about that, his name is Yoongi." Jin says kicking Yoongi in the leg

"Jin what the fu-"

"Yoongi no bad words" I hear Tae say from behind me.

I look behind me and my heart feels like it's beating out of my chest. Tae sets our food down before walking over to us.

"I'm Kim Taehyung, or Tae!" Tae says and he bows

"No need to bow Tae" Jhope says happily

"Well Your guys food is ready you should eat it before it gets cold!" Tae says looking up at me in the eyes.

I nod. I just want to hold him and never let go. Namjoon grabs my hand and pulls me back to our seat.

"They seem cool." Jhope says as he starts to eat

We all nod before we start to eat as well. When I finish eating I look over to where Jin and Yoongi were. They were gone. It seems they all left.

"Guys I think they left" I hear Jungkook whine

"Wait we don't know there number or anything besides names!" Namjoon starts to panic, "how am I supposed to see Jin again"

"We just need to eat here more often I mean Tae works here and they seem like they are really close." Jhope says finishing his food.

"That sounds good to me!" I say as I stand up and leave Namjoon to pay for the food I head outside.

People are running around and yelling. I look at Jungkook and Jhope who are next to me and they look around confused. Namjoon walks out and looks around.

"There might be danger." We should go get ready maybe it's a villain" Namjoon whispers to us dragging us home.


Broken Hearts|Bts Villains x Hero Story!|Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant